Bamfield or Renfrew?

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Hi Folks! Beginning of Aug. looking for the best big Chinook action. Beale and Cree Isl. or Port Renfrew? I have a rigged 23 1/2 footer that can handle some rough water if needed.

Thanks for the info:)
If ya want real fun go to either spot and fish the offshore reefs/banks. Limit in halibut on tide change in ~1hour and limit in springs 15 to 30lbs and big hatchery coho by noon on a good day. Absolutely awesome. Try spreader bars with 8" white power bait grubs and big spoons/plugs for coho/springs. BEST fishing you'll ever experience on the lower island. Just gotta get way-points for those reefs!! You have to have your sh^% together though if you're gonna go offshore that far.
Thanks for the tip Yammy. Out on the Swiftsure about 23 miles out I presume. Hoping I didn't have to run out that far but will if that is what it will take!

Cheers, Good Luck & Good Fishin!!!
Yeah it's close to 25 miles from Renfrew to Swiftsure. You can also fish along the coast at Renfrew for big springs if the weather is rough or if you don't feel like going to Swiftsure. LOTS of big fish are caught along the shore and the action can get really HOT. It's nice to have those options. I'll be hitting the bank tomorrow...I've heard it's a bit slow and bait is just starting to show but I'll give ya an update when I'm back.
Best of luck Yammy, I hope you boat a couple of Slammer's! How has Dan Bishop been making out so far this season? Maybe you boy's will leave a couple's in the water for me till I get there.
Cheers, have a great day on the water!:)
Made the trip to the bank yesterday....the usual massive offshore swells made it a challenging trip but we managed a couple nice little hali's in the morning (25lb'rs). If we got there a little earlier we had a better chance at more but overall halibut was slow...some guys spent the entire day getting their limits. We decided to bag hali fishing and trolled offshore...just hammered the coho up to 8 or 9 pounds while we looked for springs. Managed to find three springs up to 15lbs and lost a few others. The bait is starting to show up but not very much compared to previous years. There were huge schools of pinks heading down the coast for Juan de Fuca. Stopped for bass on the way in and limited in a matter of minutes. Fun day...can't wait to get back out there.
Ran out to 20 mile yesterday. Weather wasnt too bad but it definitly wasnt flat calm. Limited on springs, biggest was 20, limited on halibut up to 20 pounds and had some nice topwater action with the coho, finding a few nice hatcheries mixed in with all the wild. All in all....cooler full of fish and a wicked sunburn on the face.
Glad to hear the Coho are happening as well. I've seen schools so tremendous off of the Charlottes that it was pretty much impossible to get the rigger down through them without a strike , snag or what have you. Lot's of fun but I like a big Spring or two as well!

Thanks for the continuing reports on Renfrew, Bamfield and the banks!

Cheers!<img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>