Bait Buster


Active Member
Does anybody here use, have used, or have any comments about the bait buster lure (the velcro one.) I bought one to try out becasue it looks pretty neat, does anybody know if it works?! Thnx<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
its a legitimate lewer. i found if you screw with it enough, you can get it rolling like you would with an anchovie. of course, it doesn't work as well as an anchovie, but if there are pinks and stuff around and you don't want to waste bait, its a good artificial chove.

Thanks Captain Dudds
I have been using the Baitbuster lure (not lewer, by the way) for two and a half seasons now.
They will, I repeat, WILL, out perform anchovies when used correctly.
I have caught Chinook, Coho, Sockeye and Chum with these.
Used them in Port Alberni, and Nootka Sound last year.
If you would like some tips on how they should be set up, give me a PM.
If all you're catching is Pinks, then you're not using them properly.

Is there a preferable size baitbuster that you use, or do you match the baitfish?

Seen a demonstration of the baitbuster lure last weekend.(in a water tank). The action of the lure was impressive.

My largest Chinooks last year were caught on 6 inch green/silver and 6 inch black/glow whites.
For Coho, I was using the four inch models in blue/blue.
Sockeye and Chum, 3 inch in red/silver.
Best advise is to use heavey leader (35 lb) and no flasher, trolled at 3.2 MPH (speed over land on the GPS)
If you use them, at this speed you will not be able to use any other lure at the same time, but one the up-sides, is that you won't have any by-catch of dogfish or ground fish either.

You can troll those things at a ground speed of 3.2 on the GPS and bucking the tide? If you ask me your downrigger cable would be a ridiculous angle