Back from Knight Inlet!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello fishing was very good up there now got lots of fish up at malcom island Mr dudds and I are working the area very much had one day of dog fish mayhem dudds was getting a bit frustrated especially when I banged a nice tyee near him while he was doing the friendly realese to the dog fish (what the &*$%) I personally am not that nice to them LOL,

Afternoon back down to Craycroft for the afternoon flood and the bigger tides june 30,july 1 was to good for every one!!!! all of our lodge boats got there limit along with some chum,sockeye and a few coho caught then it seemed the weaker tides fishing was good but not hot, lodge gets towed now so im back up in a week!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
Glad to hear the fishing was better up north...
maybe some of those fish will find their way down
to the south coast eventually !
Well from what I heard up there hardy has been very hot for some time now and the fish havent moved much because the herring and pilchers were thick as hell so they didnt have any reason to leave but I guess they have to move because of the urge to spawn is stronger

But the bait off of malcom has been incredible as well big herring was every where there on monday and every where I fished I was seeing bait, ill be up there soon enough again looking forward to it again!!!

Thanks for stopping by my work to say hi. Due to the house move haven't had much time to get out fishing so was great to here someone was slayin them. I enjoyed meeting two of the guides you work with, real characters I'm sure they keep camp life interesting.;) See ya on your trip back up to the lodge.

Cheers ME
That is good to hear wolf.
Have you seen many halibut caught this year? And also, are there any problems with seals this year around malcolm, last year we saw a few but they didnt bother us. It seems like there are seals almost everywhere nowadays except for that area.
Good luck and thanks for the report.
Didnt see a problem with malcom but at craycroft lost 3 fish in 4 days to one of those damn things hopefully he will be looked after and saw a couple of other guys loose fish to them. sorry didnt see to many people fishing halibut saw a mostly jiggers work the cod spots.

Good luck Wolf
Wolf, you going to be working Renfrew at all this summer? May know a client for you if you're not booked at the time he desires.
Sorry no just sooke to busy there but have a few days open e-mail if you would Jim thanks

Guess you could call it pleasure when your working catching fish but when its slow its not as fun, all work unfortunatly!!!

Back up again for another little stint hear theres tons of fish up there still kep you informed when I get back from there Good luck to you all fishing in the next couple of weeks here in sooke.

Hello guys just got back last night fishing was ok up there not red hot as before but managed to get them malcom being ok but the afternoon flood at craycroft seemed really good the chum have stared to show up already I personally got a 24 lber for my guests big buck with a hook nose and what a fight!!!!!

The lodge owner got a hog yesterday in the morning off of malcom a 44 lber thats the biggest so far and the biggest we have heard from the area hope more are coming!!!!!

Im fiished up there now im going to be fishing sooke for the rest see you all out there!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf!!!!!!
Hey Wolf,

You can't let the lodge owner outfish the guides!!

I got a chance to spend a couple of days at Coastal Springs. Great spot. I took my fancy video gear up there and will make Steve a little promo DVD. I'd go back there any time I got a chance.

John "side rods in the kelp, laddies!" is a buddy of mine. Ed (sharkey) told me to talk to you about the best way to fish around Sooke. I took my 9-year old fishing addicted son out there twice last year and was skunked both times.

Yes sharky is right im back e-mail me if you want to come out, as you know steve is a great guide as well as the owner it was in the cards for him that day happened right infront of me saw the whole thing great to watch>

Wolf (eagle eye)