back from draggin'


Well-Known Member
well i finished up one trip of complete HELL on the E.J. Safarik and i wont be goin out for another. What a waste of a month. The amount of **** that i put up with from the ***holes on that boat was in no way shape or form worth the pathetic paycheck that i got for it. On another note I did get to see lots of interesting stuff like giant squid that were up to almost 9 feet long, mammoth sperm whales in the 60-70 foot range, a 12 foot mud shark, and all sorts of weird fish.
Nice for the experience though right Chevy?

What was the target species for your trip? what was the weirdest thing on a drag?
Nice for the experience though right Chevy?

What was the target species for your trip? what was the weirdest thing on a drag?
yah it was an alright experience i guess...our target species for frozen fishing included thorney heads which are more commonly referred to as "idiots" which are a deepwater fish that look very similar to a ling cod except for the fact that that they are orange and have spines covering just about their whole body which can make them real fun to work with. Our other target species for frozen were short rakers which are aorange and look similar to a rockfish, and rougheye which look like red snapper, and black cod(sablefish). Our tagert species for fresh fish were short rakers, pacific perch, and yellowmouth. Id have to say that the weirdest thing we pulled up was a copy of the bible from 1800ft down.
yah it was an alright experience i guess...our target species for frozen fishing included thorney heads which are more commonly referred to as "idiots" which are a deepwater fish that look very similar to a ling cod except for the fact that that they are orange and have spines covering just about their whole body which can make them real fun to work with. Our other target species for frozen were short rakers which are aorange and look similar to a rockfish, and rougheye which look like red snapper, and black cod(sablefish). Our tagert species for fresh fish were short rakers, pacific perch, and yellowmouth. Id have to say that the weirdest thing we pulled up was a copy of the bible from 1800ft down.