Baby lobster???


Active Member
We were out on the south side of Bowen Island sat. When prawn trap #2 came up (about 25 prawns 10 shrimp)there was a little lobster type lookin' guy in our trap!The body was 2" and front arms and little claws were 3-1/2".We took a pic. and let it go.Has any one else got any of these creatures of the deep?Kind of neat to see,last week we got a baby octapuss, it was fun to get off the deck without hurting it!
What you caught is called a Squat Lobster!!!!It is tough letting those small Octopus go as they would make awsome Hali bait!!!!!
there is times around Brentwood Bay that you will fill your traps with nothing but squat lobster.Like 1-200 in a trap.small but tasty.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
absolutely<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>just like a little shrimp tail.But I also eat sea cucumber when I catch them

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
I've tried them too. There is almost no meat once you take the shell off, more hassle than they are worth IMO. I've had my traps chalk full of the little buggers, found that by going a little shallower, I have been able to get a lot less of them in the traps.
Hmm, interesting. Never heard of these before.

I know that once upon a time (in the 1960's) there was an attempt to transplant East Coast lobster at Fatty Basin in Barkley Sound. As I understand it, it was a failed experiment. I recall my old man talking about it when I was a kid growing up in that area.
Munida quadrispina

Geographical Range: Sitka, Alaska to Los Coronados, Baja California

Depth Range: 12-1463 m depth

Habitat: Rock faces or cobble in low current, slightly silty areas.

Biology/Natural History: Sometimes live in areas with low oxygen. Eats detritus, carrion, small plankton. This crustacean can actively swim. They are one of the main species observed on the surfaces of deep-sea sponges off British Columbia.

Cute little guys, tasty but not worth the hassle for each tiny bite.

We get them around Tent often. Go 15-20' shallower and you're out of them.

We find if we're getting shrimp, we're on sand. Prawns like rockier bottom.
Hmm, interesting. Never heard of these before.

I know that once upon a time (in the 1960's) there was an attempt to transplant East Coast lobster at Fatty Basin in Barkley Sound. As I understand it, it was a failed experiment. I recall my old man talking about it when I was a kid growing up in that area.
The way I heard it was they use wedges or rubber bands on the clippers.Like you see them in the tanks at the market.They forgot to remove these when they dumped them.So,they couldn;t eat or defend themselves.
A few years back a diver found one around english bay.It was all over the news.I geuss a few survived.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing