Attn MyEscape

Another thing that needs to be changed is the colors of the forum. The Black Background and Blue writting makes it VERY HARD to read anything.
Hey Splittail, where do you see the white? My background is white and has blue letters and is very easy to read. Maybe the colours on your computor? Or is it somewhere other than the chat area?
WE have voiced our opinion numerous times and keep getting told that it will be fixed soon. Both TT and myself would love to fix everything and we both find it as frustrating as most so please take the time to email your concerns to Hugh the board administator so mabye this can be fixed once and for all. We have done all we can do and have been told there are many upgrades planned due to the serious increase of members in the last year. However when this will happen I do not know.

Cheers ME
I have it on good opinion that waving large bundles of large denomination bills around is a sure fire way to fix just such a glitch.

Does that in turn cause more probs?
