the fog ducker
Well-Known Member
Area 23 / 123 Chinook / Coho 2014 Changes
Try to get this right , the notices and maps should be out tmw , July 15 2014
Coho area 23 , Barkley Sound ,Surfline and Inshore
from Cape Beale to Miller Rk to Amphitrite lighthouse
as of right now , we as sporty's are allowed 4 Coho /day , marked OR ummarked in area 23 ...
outside that area , 123 , it is currently 2 coho/day , which one may be umarked (wild)
as of Sept 1 /2014 , the inside , area 23 remains unchanged, BUT , area 123 offshore , the daily limit is now 4 ,
which one can be marked ( wild ) map should be out very soon , maybe tmrw !!
Chiinook area 23 /123
here is the map , very similar to the coho boundary , but , 1 more mile seaward , ( further out, offshore )
currently , it is 2 per day , as usual , BUT , as of August 1 , Barkley Sound changes to the slot size again , HOWEVER ,
we are now allowed 1 over 77 cm and one under daily, the boundary is one mile past the surfline !! for Chinook !!!!!
as per the map , portions of the inlet will close as normal , HOWEVER , we will be able to retain 2 Chinook from Port up to the Nahmint narrows appx ,
look at the map pls , it will be the same , one over 77cm , one under , Daily !!
hope i got this right , pls correct me if im wrong , just off the phone with Port DFO
hope this helps , i get asked alot !!
Try to get this right , the notices and maps should be out tmw , July 15 2014
Coho area 23 , Barkley Sound ,Surfline and Inshore
from Cape Beale to Miller Rk to Amphitrite lighthouse
as of right now , we as sporty's are allowed 4 Coho /day , marked OR ummarked in area 23 ...
outside that area , 123 , it is currently 2 coho/day , which one may be umarked (wild)
as of Sept 1 /2014 , the inside , area 23 remains unchanged, BUT , area 123 offshore , the daily limit is now 4 ,
which one can be marked ( wild ) map should be out very soon , maybe tmrw !!
Chiinook area 23 /123
here is the map , very similar to the coho boundary , but , 1 more mile seaward , ( further out, offshore )
currently , it is 2 per day , as usual , BUT , as of August 1 , Barkley Sound changes to the slot size again , HOWEVER ,
we are now allowed 1 over 77 cm and one under daily, the boundary is one mile past the surfline !! for Chinook !!!!!
as per the map , portions of the inlet will close as normal , HOWEVER , we will be able to retain 2 Chinook from Port up to the Nahmint narrows appx ,
look at the map pls , it will be the same , one over 77cm , one under , Daily !!
hope i got this right , pls correct me if im wrong , just off the phone with Port DFO
hope this helps , i get asked alot !!
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