Well-Known Member
Thread moved from Sooke fishing reports.
There are two reasons given for fishery closures by DFO. 1) to preserve stocks 2) to create a quiet zone so whales can hunt undisturbed. Which one are you objecting to because you are muddling the two? The fact the whales are “missing” and therefore the closure is unnecessary from the noise abatement point of view might well mean the first reason still has some validity.
Thx Saxe Point. Roy, your first post implied the fishing closure was unnecessary because no one was fishing off Sooke and the whales were not here anyway. Of course they move around but food is the main driver of those migrations and the fact the whales are not here, despite the relatively quiet environment they now have due to low fishing pressure indicates there is not in fact enough food. The science says little 3lb coho do not cut it for a 3000lb whale!
Roy, so the use of reasoned arguments, evidence, logic and common sense mean that one is a Liberal? Does that mean if one is of a different political persuasion then one need not use these debating techniques or is unable to do so? I expect many non-Liberals on here might not want to be tarred with that brush!!
Although some do apparently!
Was out again today got a limits in no time and a tyee pink lol about 10 lbs. yes it wasnt ideal conditions sad thing I was the only boat out from sooke and jocks dock only saw 1 other boat that must have read my report as he came all the way from the east to fish near me..
They DFO has succeeded!!!!! no one is fishing here much anymore and I havent heard a report at all of the SRKW last I heard they went all the way to port hardy and were coming down the inside...someone should really tell them the fish are here for them to eat ...REALLY...
Again take the kids out and have some fun its no stop action never seen it so good ...(for coho)
Good luck wolf
Hasn't been an Orca of any kind,never mind SRKW, sighted off Pender Bluffs for months and yet fishing is closed for all finfish in the area.The only vessel that can transverse the Pender Bluffs Whale Sanctuary is a kayak, if it stays within 20 meters of the shore, so that the sound of your paddle crashing through the water doesn't interfere with their feeding, should they ever return to the area....
What a total load of CRAP!!!![]()
I know this is getting off topic but the very fact the SRKW are not being seen locally would mean that there are not fish of sufficient type and size to support them or they would be here! They may be only whales but they have been around for thousands of years and have no doubt gone to where the food can perhaps be found. In other words, to the whales, JDF stocks are down and need rebuilding.
So it's okay to destroy a historic local fishery with these ridiculous closures when the whale avoidance "bubble zone" regulation would accomplish exactly the same result, when and IF the SRKW ever return?
There are two reasons given for fishery closures by DFO. 1) to preserve stocks 2) to create a quiet zone so whales can hunt undisturbed. Which one are you objecting to because you are muddling the two? The fact the whales are “missing” and therefore the closure is unnecessary from the noise abatement point of view might well mean the first reason still has some validity.
You are so wrong on so many levels maybe if you really understood what was going on you would get it Sorry roland Call Rollie he will let you know what is what......your way off base there is LOTS of fish here whales move always have always would last year they spend majority of time off California as maybe they like the weather who knows. this all about politics and appeasing certain user groups ... so ill end that at that and lets get back to fishing reports... ok if you want start another thread on it and let the debating go on to that...
Before it gets moved to another thread, perhaps a word about debate. To keep debates (and discussions for that matter) civil, stick to disagreeing with the ideas and the arguments, not the people. Wolf, you have this regrettable habit of personalizing almost every discussion you are involved in. This was another example. Saying things like “you are so wrong on so many levels” and “sorry Roland... you are way off base” just inflames people. It suggests something is wrong with them, rather than the ideas or arguments they advance. Try “I disagree with you” followed by the reasons why. Or even, if you are really passionate about it, “that argument is completely unsupported and is in fact contradicted by”.
If you express an idea or argument on a forum, people will presume you believe in it. Your passion, anger, sarcasm in expressing it doesn’t actually advance the idea or argument much, or at all. Evidence, reasoned arguments, logic, common sense are what you should use.
We can all fall into the trap of personalizing discussions, but let’s try to do better. We are all on this forum because we like the same basic thing, fishing.
Thx Saxe Point. Roy, your first post implied the fishing closure was unnecessary because no one was fishing off Sooke and the whales were not here anyway. Of course they move around but food is the main driver of those migrations and the fact the whales are not here, despite the relatively quiet environment they now have due to low fishing pressure indicates there is not in fact enough food. The science says little 3lb coho do not cut it for a 3000lb whale!
Sorry im not a Liberal and soorry if i have offended anyone if you dont like what i have to say dont read it plain and simple...I wear my emotions on my arm and dont sugar coat things im upfront and honest (the way it should be) we had a better world years ago NOW you cant say one word with out offending someone or hurting someones feelings.I am truely sorry I have offended you..... ill try better next time ill be more like Trudeau ok.....
Right on brother..
Roy, so the use of reasoned arguments, evidence, logic and common sense mean that one is a Liberal? Does that mean if one is of a different political persuasion then one need not use these debating techniques or is unable to do so? I expect many non-Liberals on here might not want to be tarred with that brush!!
Although some do apparently!