Gord had SPRING KING Teasers also, they had a good run for quite a while in some areas of the coast. We did really well with his teasers in Port Alberni back in the day.From sooke
They act similar to an Apex. But Apex owned the market at the time. Some fellows would modify Gords rendition so it acted like a actionized hoochie head.Peetz do ypu know anything about those salmon King lures by Robinson?
From a nostelgic point of view any 1980's and older Canadian made tackle is becoming collectable, some more than others depending upon the volume available in the open market. Coastal BC has had some amazing innovative individuals that have invented some really cool and unique lures. Gordon Robinson's lures caught fish, to some people they will always seek them out.Any collector value to either of these lures ? I'm sure they would also still catch fish.
These googly eyes were the first eyes that Earnie installed. Later switched to more standard flat one dimensional sets of eyes.
Can you see the tiny beads used as eyes?
This is a real early model and the only one I have.
The last fish I caught a few years ago on this slightly modfied model was @ lodge point just outside Port Hardy-a small Spring about 12#
Similar, but it does tricks that others don't.Looks like a variation on a Hot Spot Apex trolling lure.
I used to know a girl like that…Similar, but it does tricks that others don't.
Deadly lures-Iron Noggin knows Ernie Ross IIRC.
Let me know if you are interested in selling some.My neighbor gave me a box of them, thoughts?