Anyone have reviews on a sea raider 2284?

Just curious if anyone has ever ridden or driven a sea raider 2284? Looking at finding a new to me boat. I was silly enough to sell my boat about 5 years ago thinking I'll just buy a boat when I have time to use it again, Covid happens and prices go through the roof.

Was also looking at a thunderjet tyee / luxor 22' both with basically the exact same options (250 hp on the tyee and 200 hp on the sea raider).

thanks for any help. I'm more familiar with the tyee and I owned a weldcraft but never a sea raider.

Bass pro has their aluminum boats back in stock right now if you’re leaning towards thunder jet, they are slightly cheaper and made by TJ.
I had a 2284 cuddy and it was a good boat. No reverse chines so a bit corky at rest, and a bit of a wet ride in the chop, but also one of the smoother rides in a lighter aluminum boat you will find. The structure under the floor was definitely better than a thunderjet, the ride was superior to TJs I've been in, but the fit and finish not as nice as the TJ.

If it's the non cuddy version 200hp should be plenty, mine had a 250 and was definitely more than adequately powered.