anyone ever caught a wolf eel?


Crew Member
I was just browsing youtube and watched a video of a Norwegian catching a wolf eel on a halibut jig. Has anyone caught one while anchored or jigging for bottom fish?
caught one West of Port Renfrew at Carmana years ago jigging. It was snagged in the head. It was big and looked like an old man. I was able to remove the hook and release it. If I can find the picture, I will post it. It was docile as I removed the hook. It sure looked mean though.
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Many years ago, anchored of west race. Spreader and herring, yes she was ugly, all 6 ft of it released unharmed. Before cell phones and cameras were not a priority, so never happened? Still remember clearly.

Caught one 4 years ago offshore kyoquot while anchored for halibut. He was about 4 feet long and scary looking with huge teeth. Got the hook out and safely released him
As a teenager 35 yrs ago I was long lining for Halibut in AK and we caught a giant bugger that was hooked deep. Old man thumped him on the head and he sat on deck for several hours. I poked him to assure he was dead and proceeded to stick my hand down his throat to remove the hook. Much to my surprise he had one last death chomp in him and I thought for sure I might lose a hand. Old man heard my squaller and help me detach it from my wrist. Even through rain gear and a sleeve protector it left a bloody ring of tooth marks around my wrist. Always felt bad for having to kill it though as they are a very cool creature. We successfully released several more large specimens on that trip. We called them Farragut Monsters due to our proximity to the Bay by the same name. BTW the one we killed was quite tasty.
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35 years ago,we caught a live 4' wolf eel in the channel of the boat trailer, at hall's boat launch at goldstream.must have swam /floated in while we took the boat out of the water.At the top, plop, it fell to the ground and wiggled around,while we all standing right there.First wolf eel I ever seen or heard of.I was told then the inlet is knowen as the dead sea.
lots of juvenile wolf eels in our traps between china creek and alberni. I assume theres bigger ones around but they cant get their heads thru the tunnel rings. and like most other things they apparently like to eat prawns.


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Got one a few years back fishing hali in the 185' hole on Constance Bank off Victoria, damn thing freaked us out. Looked huge in the water. Didn't what to haul it into boat so We cut the line.
Did the same think Barrie i was about 20 when I got it off of race and it was pissed makes a weird sound i let him have the gear one scary mean looking fish...
Caught one last summer in Upper Straight of Georgia. No surprise to hear them caught around race rocks. They like rocky areas. Caught a 4 footer in one of my ling haunts. Felt like a ling coming up till I saw its face. To my surprise, almost human looking. Released this beauty and watched her swim back to the depths. Caught on a white jig.