Anybody Watch Dexter?

Yeah... can't believe they whacked her.

Lithgo? (Trinity) sure made a good nut-job eh? Excellent acting from him.

I bet without a woman in his life things now go off the deep-end again.

In real life Dexter actually got married this year to the woman who plays his sister on the show.

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
Thanks! Not! I was planning to watch it tonight but you kinda let the cat outa the bag, so to speak. Don't tell me anymore!
yeah, mods need to add SPOILER ALERT to the thread got me too, right before watching it. Ah well.

Good season finale.

Rita was nice to look at, but I found her character super annoying... the psychotic serial killer having *YET ANOTHER* "serious talk"...ack, somebody kill me. Her leaving the show opens up all sorts of interesting plot lines for next season.
Watched it last night and it was a great ending for the season (even though I had been pre-informed :D). I'd kinda figured that something would have to happen with Rita as she was becoming a drag on the plot lines so her demise was kinda expected.

Lots of new lines they can take now, fer sure. This is my favourite show on the tube so I hope they don't screw it up.
Good show for sure.

And another recommendation in the HBO/Showcase quality TV list is Californication. Season 3 finale was on Sunday as well, and I thought they did an excellent job. Like most of these shows, has good and bad episodes, but generally excellent...would recommend it.
Yeah, loved the finale.

My tastes in TV seem to be getting sick(er) as of late - Dexter, Weeds, Breaking Bad, Criminal Minds, Mentalist. All sick, but excellent acting. And WAY better than any reality Tv S$&*@.

Catch and release -- into my frying pan.
If you're into downloading shows, I recommend Sons of show on TV no one's ever seen. Show about a biker gang in Northern California. Has some weak points but generally pretty good.
You crazy bugger Serengeti

I too opened this the other night. I hadn't seen the finale yet.

The end still caught me by the clever timeline of events. You almost had me beleiving you were just making the Rita thing up.

$%#$% what a disturbing ending. Man , what she must have gone through. That poor kid! Actually choked me up. I always remind my self that the cast of the show know what is going on and that it is just fiction.

But still, it almost crosses the line doesn't it. With the kid and all.

Holy $%

............@#$%^&*........ Rita was smokin hot!

Well, I guess we'll see what they have in mind for next season. What are they going to come up with now????

To think that I thought the begining of this season started out kind of lame. Wow they sure did pull this one out of the hat.

Great show.