Anybody know this old clunker?

Chris, I don't agree. Cheap oils have way more ash in them and deposits will build up behind the rings. Once this happens it is only a matter of time before a ring catches a port opening and gets snapped off...leading to the piston being taken out as well. OMC has a slight advantage against ring damage because they use a forged piston which requires a sloppier fit in the cylinder to allow for piston expansion. Cast Yami's fit a lot tighter in the holes and are much more sensitive to ring breakage if deposits form. Ever wonder why Yami's sound so tight and smooth and why OMC's sound kinda clunky in comparison when they are first fired up cold? The OMC will have some piston slap when cold as it needs time for the forged piston to expand and reduce the tolerance between piston and cylinder walls.
Right Profisher! Save a penny now pay a buck later. You have pointed out items a lot people don't consider.[^]

I was afraid somebody might say something like this!

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
Hey Geo don't panic there are some you can save on but not oil.What you have sounds like a solid unit and you should make sure that the oil you use is not going to take it out.:D

As I said, I have been using the cheap oil for many years now with no negative side effects and probably saved me several hundred dollars with this strategy. That's a lot of money worth for a 30 year old engine that is already written off and not worth more than several hundred of dollars itself. But those are just my personal economics and of course a better and pricier oil is probably better even for this old warrior. But I also don't tell my wife to put the $400 Revlon creams on her face anymore - some pieces just don't get better anymore no matter how much you spoil them :D
What oil would you boys suggest as a mid to high grade then? Reading through the iBoats forum the synthetic-blend Pennzoil keeps coming up as a slightly cheaper but good-quality oil. I won't be hitting parker marine for some xd-100 any time soon!

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
I'm using the OMC oil...the red stuff, I think it is TCW-3. Was using Yamilube initially but the OMC stuff is less expensive and Ken down at SG says it works just as well as the Yami oil.
Well that wouldn't be too bad cost wise. I was thinking to buy something 'Middle of the road' and the XD-30 ("red stuff") fits the bill as a better-than-average TC-W3 oil. Will pick some up after this next tank full as I'm too cheap to not finish off the Ukrainian Tire Formula 1 (it is still a TC-W3 oil after all so far better than anything available when this motor was new). How is the XD-30 for smoke?

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
While I was out this morning I went to A&E marine and picked up some XD-30. I figured maybe I could find it a buck or two cheaper else ware but I was there and may as well pick it up. Then I stopped in at Parker Marine on the way home: they sell it in bulk in their own containers for $15 less (and you can get your container refilled which gives you $2 off the next time! In the end it's CHEAPER than Ukrainian Tire Brand!

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
the canadian tire stuff is tc-w3 certified ans sometimes goes on sale for under 20$/ gal. I burnt when I had my 200 evinrudes.


Fill the dam tub!
Thanks IFL I'll keep an eye out. I think I'll stick with the BRP XD-30 for now though now that I have a cheap source. Maybe I'll give XD-50 a shot just to see.

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
Well as this topic seems to be slowing to a halt I'd like to thank all of you who contributed info. This Forum's great because of people like you who step up to the plate to help a fellow sportsman out by sharing your hard-won knowledge!

If anyone else knows anything about these old battle axes, or has an old manual or spare parts they'd be willing to part with (free or otherwise) please contact me!

Thanks again everybody!

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...
Just thought I'd share something obvious that didn't dawn on me 'till I was there with my 4 year old: The VI library has a very good collection of manuals (Chilton, Seloc) for most outboards and some inboards. Handy if you just want to check something out but don't want to shell out the $40 plus S+H or if you want to check out if it's worth ordering.

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...