Any Luck in Comox Valley Area ?

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I am just wondering if anyone is landing any slabs around the Comox Valley area.I have been out around Cape Lazo and Comox Bluffs on Denman Isl but to no avail.I hear Kitty Coleman is pretty spotty.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Blown off the water lately before I even got there many times however with these past rains and the flow of fish down ECVI and with limited pressure plus a few reports first hand from boats that got out at work, I would say FISH ON. I will be out on Kitty very soon and will report.

quote:Originally posted by Concerned Angler

I have a reliable report that the seals are going nutzo down at Flora. Two friends hooked 6 springs-- lost everyone to furry-faces.

Dont know what to suggest-- but for me, I will not bother wasting gas just to feed seals. Already planning another trip north..

Thanks alot for the info:D