Bryan Allen
Well-Known Member
From: Ho, Rebecca <> On Behalf Of Davis, Neil
Sent: November 19, 2021 9:53 AM
Subject: Paish - Response Regarding the Use of the Term “Public Fishery Advisory Board” to Describe the Sport Fishing Advisory Board - 2021-502-00216
Dear Mr. Paish,
Thank you for the work that you and the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB) do to support fisheries work in the Pacific Region.
I would like to take the opportunity to provide Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s position on the suggestion to rename the SFAB to the Public Fishery Advisory Board. The term “public” is not specific to the recreational sector; rather it is broader, and could be interpreted to apply to other fishers as well. The Department does not plan on referring to the BC recreational fishing sector as the public fishery nor to the SFAB as the Public Fishery Advisory Board.
Should the SFAB be interested in pursuing other name changes, this can be discussed with the DFO Regional Manager of Recreational Fisheries, Greg Hornby, as part of the annual work planning process. As the SFAB is the official advisory board to the Department, a name change would require time-consuming updates to many sources of information, and would need to be factored into any future workplans, relative to other priorities.
DFO staff look forward to continue working closely with members of the SFAB on important recreational fisheries matters and I thank you for your commitment to the SFAB process.

Neil Davis
Regional Director of Fisheries Management
Pacific Region
Sent: November 19, 2021 9:53 AM
Subject: Paish - Response Regarding the Use of the Term “Public Fishery Advisory Board” to Describe the Sport Fishing Advisory Board - 2021-502-00216
Dear Mr. Paish,
Thank you for the work that you and the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB) do to support fisheries work in the Pacific Region.
I would like to take the opportunity to provide Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s position on the suggestion to rename the SFAB to the Public Fishery Advisory Board. The term “public” is not specific to the recreational sector; rather it is broader, and could be interpreted to apply to other fishers as well. The Department does not plan on referring to the BC recreational fishing sector as the public fishery nor to the SFAB as the Public Fishery Advisory Board.
Should the SFAB be interested in pursuing other name changes, this can be discussed with the DFO Regional Manager of Recreational Fisheries, Greg Hornby, as part of the annual work planning process. As the SFAB is the official advisory board to the Department, a name change would require time-consuming updates to many sources of information, and would need to be factored into any future workplans, relative to other priorities.
DFO staff look forward to continue working closely with members of the SFAB on important recreational fisheries matters and I thank you for your commitment to the SFAB process.

Neil Davis
Regional Director of Fisheries Management
Pacific Region