Anchovie roll

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brisco
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I'm still not clear on what type of roll to look for. Some say the slow (once per second) roll others tell me a fast tight roll like a drill bit. Its freaking me out!
myself i like i nice tight fast roll 4 chovie and a slow roll 4 cut plug , but thats just me and it works
Whaen you say tight roll, how large is the diameter or does the chovie almost spin on its own axis?
I'll take the other side of the question then , I have always fished a slow roll on my anchovie with a long leader and have done quite well over the last 30 years thank you , springs are opportunistic feeders and will take the easy one first in my humble opinion , if they have to work for it ....nada , unless there has been no feed available to them ........coho ! don't matter they are insane feeders and hit anything when feeding.


personaly, i rig my anchovy and throw it overboard, sometimes its tight sometimes its slow... its all worked for me [8D] My firend charters out at renfrew, apparantly (he is full of bull **** so i do warn you) he says hes the #4 producing guide.. and he told me you want the tightest roll you can get, liek a drill bit - it should spin on its own axis
on its own axis. but the spin will very in speed and tide . i always check the roll without flasher engaged. i like a roll not a tail spin . scottyboy
well with a teaser head i`d say between a toilet roll and a average drinking cup. you wanna put a bend in the brined chovie right!