Anchor System

Thanks guys, I was hoping my price was attractive because 600' of Samson was expensive. 7/16" is a nice hefty Guage line for rec boats and it's a nice quality chain and lots of it. There isn't any splices though, or thimbles. The anchor is on River Road in Richmond on a fishing resort barge. I live in Victoria, that's why I don't have any pics. So either the buyer picks it up from there or I'm going to courier it to Victoria.

I say if my ad gets bumped over and over again so the guys can have their fun, and not at my expense,,, hey then what the hell you know!:o
What weight is the anchor? I had an issue with an undersized anchor not sticking, resulting in an extended (and frustrating) drift.
We just bought our anchor system like this and spent well over $500... (close to $800). Wish I had seen this last week!
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This system cost $800 thank you for confirming that

Forum member Wyrguy was first to contact me and stated in his initial PM and within the conversation stated he wanted it, as it is now he has dibs, if things change and does not buy it I will contact all member inquiries and update this ad at that time
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We just bought our anchor system like this and spent well over $500... (close to $800). Wish I had seen this last week!

First post by a new account..within 30 mins of seller... edited within 30 minutes of sellers edits.....seems fishy to me, but I could be wrong...
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Seems like this account was created solely to state the $800 price tag... first post....seems fishy

My bad for not introducing myself prior to my first post but I couldn't find a welcome or newbie thread... but now that you have so kindly put me in the spotlight, here goes :)

Yes, this was my first post... No, I am not a forum troll....
This thread was simply the first thread where I could offer solid information vs an opinion. I have read alot of great information on this site about anchoring systems and decided (upon recommendations) to order a system for our boat through Trevor at TROTAC (Victoria). The system cost us in or around $800...

We sold our sailboat (thus my username) and have entered the realm of powerboats (cruising/fishing). We have invested a stupid amount of money in safe practice and equipment and because of that - I thought to post with respect to the above noted anchor system price. Good rigging doesn't come 'cheap', but heck... I could have saved myself $300 if I had seen that post last week before I ordered :)

Hope that clears up my comment.....

PS: Edited to add... I edited my first post because apparently I didn't spell check.
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I know you said you don't have a picture because it's in Vancouver and you're in Victoria, but is there any way of having someone snap a quick picture of the set-up so that we can confirm that it actually is "just like the one in the photo".

$500 is quite a bit to commit to something sight unseen.
The BST on the forum does suck sometimes............

PM only.
No replies to threads.
Problem solved.
Haha.....this is better than jerry's 600' of yatch braid, a ton of chain, an expensive anchor and an A3 bouy....even if it's beat it's still worth the $500.
I bought a couple rods from drpower a couple years back, he's a good guy.


Which reminds me, you were mentioning a tuna trip :)