Anchor chain will chip paint


Active Member
Ive got a solution in mind but this place has some great out the the box thinkers so I thought I'd throw it out there..

My boat is a 20ft aluminum and has an anchor pulpit. I'm installing a Fraser River style anchor, but the chain will be rubbing, chipping the paint when stowed as the box for the anchor line is back a ways in the bow.

I'm thinking of some vinyl tubing or one of those bmx frame pads, but maybe you guys have some better ideas.

A strip of Starboard to rub on. Can always be replaced and zero maintenance.
I made my anchor slightly longer and 5 lbs heavier, I don't use chain, hard on hands and paint.
16.5' sled 28lb anchor, sticks every time.
You might need a 45lber or 55
Gallazin locks in Nanaimo sells, or used to anyways, heavy duty chain for locking up various things I suppose. This chain comes with a heavy fabric sheath over it. Not sure how it would hold up long term but I have about a 8' length on my anchor chain. However I dont use my anchor very often. I believe the brand is Multilock
Old Inner tube from a bike tire. Cut it in 1/2 and run the chain down the middle. A couple small cable ties here and there to hold it in place. Easy on the paint and the hands