an appology

I am sooty for the bad language it is frustrating out he when u spend all your money on gear. and this happens. I understand weighting the traps and all that stuff. but to see your son cry because there gone. it's hard to bear. that is 6 bran new traps in 1 year. I know they didn't float away. the other traps in the area still there. I am sorry for te bad language won't happen again.
Awesome stuff in my books right there for sure (regardless of the typing skills). I understand what you are saying man.

I had my stuff stolen a few years ago and caught the guy's red handed. It could have been ugly as I was so jacked up with adren. etc. I got all my stuff back from them because I went off like a raped ape on them but I had to sit in my boat for about 1/2 an hour adrift just to calm down enough to drive.

I know where your coming from. You just went about it the wrong way in your first thread.

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hm that is really shity sorry to hear. I wonder what is going on. are you setting them in the same area so could be the same person? are you leaving them in a unsafe manner with extra rope floating around so someone may get pissed off and take or move them? leaving them in a traffic route? id set up a trap and set up with some binocs and find out whos messin with ya.

a raped ape jeez sculpin lol never heard that one before haha sounds mad
a raped ape jeez sculpin lol never heard that one before haha sounds mad

Yeah I was happy I didn't do anything stupid that would get me in trouble but I had to let them know I meant business lol.
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Good on ya for the apology.

A good Hi Res digital camera with time indexing and GPS coordinates built in and a telephoto lense is the way to go. The photos and your observations in a note book is good for providing to the RCMP marine units.

By the way if you put your traps out on a marine high travel route or do not have your info on the float, the RCMP or other authority may remove it. That is one of the reasons the Govt Auction site has a bunch of crab and prawn traps for auction every so often.

You could also post the picture here and it is a good bet someone would recognise them. It is a very small community in some respects.

So far I have not had a trap stolen though I did come up on a boat last year right up on my float staring at it till they saw us approaching. I am sure I have had bait and crabs stolen however.

By the way if you come up on them while they are lifting your trap, the standard BS line is that they caught your trap line with their motor and were just clearing it.
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duck decoys can make a great float

Not a bad idea....time to build a the seagull trap float! I don't see to many ducks out there!

I always thought of scrapping my nice bright orange float and going with a milk jug or detergent container like some...other fisherman do. I figure the likleyhood of a poacher going for a bright orange bouy is far less than them going for a milk jug....

Sorry to hear your sounds like a real BS year for you.

What gets me is the hundreds and thousands people spend to be on the water, and then some A-hole is going to rip you off of 20 bucks in crabs, or as in this, and many other cases....your nice traps.....
The language might be off but the feelings are right on. Rockfish might have faith that pics and talk will get the job done just like it works so well with DFO and the Goverment. Who carries that type of gear with them every time you go out crabbing or fishing. I might suggest using a gaff to help these slime balls to clear their hands from other peoples traps. Thats the only thing these thieves understand.I have no time for petty thieves and when they run to the police to complain they will get arrested for other things they are wanted for. Good luck
Glad you apologized as even though we are angry, feelings and wording expressed here are felt by others who are not involved in your loss. It takes a man to apologize, good show.
I used to use a peice of drift wood with an eye bolt through it.. Prawned alot in the east quadra and read island area.. Locals around there were brutal.. Used to watch them in commercial boats pulling sporties gear.. Empty the prawns then throw the gear back over with no float...
Missing traps

So where exactly were the traps when they went missing? It's good to publish this info so the rest of us can watch out. We are out of Vancouver almost daily and have had no issues but you never know .....
First off I am sorry to hear about the missing traps especially since you had your son with you when you went to check them. I do wonder a little if he was upset because of the missing traps or because of the way dad reacted to the missing traps.

I think most of us would like to know a little more like what kind of traps, where were you fishing, how long did you leave your gear out etc. With more information everyone in the community can keep a better eye out for shady characters.

Tough luck in any event I hope you find your gear somehow or at least find a good deal on used vic to replace your gear. Don't worry about buying new a good seasoned trap will usually outfish a brand new one.
my traps were on back side of James island and 3 near little rock. little rock were all waited james island out of traffic way. all marked on gps and. red and white floats and one large red float. my son was t upset at the fact that I was upset. I don't allow myself to show thous emotions around him. he is too youg to understand that. thanks for all the comments. I am sorry for the out burst of anger.
The currents can really rip through the channel near the powder wharf. Even the larger commercial gear gets dragged under during peak flows. You would need a lot of weight for your traps to stay in place. It is even possible that they even moved enough and tangled with some commercial gear...they may or may not return it. I've had properly weighed traps get dragged 1/4 mile away in strong currents in Sooke Harbour by a bull kelp raft fouling around the rope and float. Found it a few days later when I had to time to search for it. They do get stolen too. I went through the entire season last year with the same traps. I used commercial looking floats...which I think most poachers leave along figuring they are too heavy to bother with.
my traps were on back side of James island and 3 near little rock. little rock were all waited james island out of traffic way. all marked on gps and. red and white floats and one large red float. my son was t upset at the fact that I was upset. I don't allow myself to show thous emotions around him. he is too youg to understand that. thanks for all the comments. I am sorry for the out burst of anger.

I've lost a trap on the back side of James Island in 60' of water with some wind but not strong currents. I do know that my buddies trap which was rigged with a go pro camera was pulled on him, then dropped back down. Good thing they didn't see the camera, or I'm sure it would have been gone. Looked kinda like a commercial boat from what we could see of the footage.

My thought when I couldn't find my trap was that it was possibly stolen, and I was pretty upset, but can't really say for sure. I'm sure there are a whole lot of traps in that channel between James and Sydney.
For the first time in 4 years I had 4 traps disappear/stolen in Saanich inlet off Pat Bay and I too was royally pissed off. I have noticed a lot less sports traps out where I fish this year, but way more commercial lines. I was left wondering if the commercial guys are responsible. Ironically while looking for my traps one of the commercial boats came up and asked me if I was missing traps. He told me he usually calls the phone number on the traps if his gears gets hung up on sports traps. Having been a commercial fisherman myself many years ago, I found that one hard to believe, but will give him the benefit of the doubt. At any rate it sucks and if I ever actually were to see a commercial guy pull my traps, he might just find that his buoys go missing.