Fish Assassin
Crew Member
Hey guys. I haven't heard anyone mention Daiwa Mooching reels. I have been running my M-One Plus reels for a year with no problems. This was my first year using mooching reels in WA state so I really haven't put them to the test. But after reading some reviews about the Daiwa drag I called up Smoooth drag (based out of CA, $8 for a set) and ordered replacement drag washers for all of my Daiwa mooching reels. I haven't replaced any of the drag washers yet because I haven't had much of an issue with line creep on the standard stock washers. When I do have creeping line I just snug the drag down little by little until it stops. I will admit that the excitement of a fish on the line makes me forget about my drag almost all the time, but I get "subtle" reminders to back the drag off when the fish takes a run and the rod almost flies out of my hands.
The Daiwa reels seem to have almost the exact same specs as the Shimanos (correct me if I'm wrong). I also couldn't say no to the closeout price for the M-One Plus models. I got them from a shop in Bellingham, WA for about $55 each. I picked up all four they had in stock. My little lady definitely gave me the "Why are you buying FOUR of the same reel!?!?!" look.![]()
I personally never came to like their drag knobs feel or handles plus the constant spinning of the drag knob. Many M-Ones ended up in the garbage here over the years. Ones people gave me cause they hated them