
Active Member
We have found a few members here that must find it amusing to use a false name instead of there main membership name when stirring the pot. This will be a final warning anyone using two identities on this site and causing problems will have there IP ADDRESS BLOCKED permently. For those who do not know what that means it is the address given out from your computer or compters you log on with and all access on to this site from those computers will be permently blocked.

TT and myself are tired of having to spend so much time on child like actions of no respecting members hiding behind another alias.

You know who you are and now so do we after finding a way to cross reference all areas of this forum.
Guess you'll be getting rid of blackleech then for calling out bags for no reason whatsoever eh kev!!We all appreciate the work you do here but threats of a personal nature should be an automatic ban!!
Mods you guy’s a very appreciated by me and others I’m sure. Not sure I would have let the cat out of the bag about IP address. I also moderate a forum and have used that trick to stop/delete/warn people about some questionable posts. It is always surprise when I called them with my concerns as they thought they were hidden. I would have to agree with Vince Gee on personal attacks, should be auto ban of that IP. No second chance period. A little ribbing that’s OK, just make sure it is clear that it is in jest, use icons or put (kidding) in the post, as not all are seasoned computer people. Stretching the truth is OK as we are fisherman right. Outright lies not OK. I for one, lurked for over a year before joining in the discussion. It would be bad for new guys to see some of these questionable posts and just give up on this site. It would also be a shame if some of the long time posters quit on account of a few bad apples. A “sticky” post with the rules would be nice but I know you guys are busy right now. On second thought maybe we need to start a thread with input on what the rules should be. My 2 cents GLG edited to correct spelling
Thanks Kevin for taking care of the few folks who have hidden agenda's and want to create problem's in this public venue. Like GLG said I am a new member and I had started to think that I should leave this forum in the dust because of some of the rediculous, immature behaviour on some of the posts. Keeping them out of the loop will make this site what it was intended to be. I see lots of knowledge and great topics surfacing everyday!

Maybe worth checking in a bit more often again. This site seems to have really got its act together in the past year or so. Personally I like the idea that someone will block posts that may lead to undue poressure on systems that simply can't handle it. No disrespect to anyone, but sometimes leaving out the highly specific location details (which aren't really necessary to post a good report anyway)may be a good thing.

Next week off....huntin' or fishin'? Boy, do I LOVE the Island life!

Only one reason for a registered person to use an alias....
I think one warning is being very generous.
I remember all to well what this site was like before the current moderators took it upon themselves to see to it that this site reach it's potential.
Hard work, no pay, odd sure you two aren't volunteer Firefighters?
quote:Originally posted by blueorca

Only one reason for a registered person to use an alias....
I think one warning is being very generous.
I remember all to well what this site was like before the current moderators took it upon themselves to see to it that this site reach it's potential.
Hard work, no pay, odd sure you two aren't volunteer Firefighters?

I agree 100%. Thanks to those that run this site. Awesome site!!
Have linked 8+ members and deleted 4 members and more will happen if this continues and we don't care how long you have been a member if you tarnish this site through alias' you will be gone! We now have the abilty to track everything and will use it. Both TT and Myself will get this under control it's minor compared to what we were up against over a year ago. :D So grow up and respect others or go away!!!!

The Sportfishingbc Moderating Team
Its a shame that all must hide--- why do you not publish the username and the real name for the persons who tarnish this site. We all enjoy a good debate or chuckle but all that want to be an ahole know what to do
