alberny springs


Active Member
we fished from boundry marker in town to boundry marker at namint with anchovies and hoochies from sun up till 3 p.m. the day after the terny not one hit didnt see any caught either is thr coho fishing any better there????[xx(][xx(]
c.askin They just had a commercial opening/ gill netters were in there. I'm not sure if it was moaday night or tuesday night. That might have had something to do with it....if they were there monday night.
I was talking to a young fellow in Port Albernie on tuesday and he told me there were 2000 fish caught or entered in the derby during the long weekend
you heard right i read the news paper today at work forget the exact number was around 1500-1800 fish...........managed to get into 8 big springs[^] in the river yesterday biggest was a big chrome 40lber what a scrap i tell ya[8D]

cheers steelheadman
what pools did you fish steelheadman falls, slide pool? or lower been getting interested in starting to fish the rivers cost a lot less in gas.
Yeh steelheadman. Where were you fishing for springs? When I was there last weekend I didnt see a single spring go by me? Anyway just wonderin
I was up the stamp again today I saw 2 springs at stamp falls didnt try for them as there were a couple guys allready with there sights on them I fished the slide pool and thru the gun club area talked with the game warden he told me the natives have had openings for the last 3 nights they've taken 9000 fish they have an allotment of 20,000 springs the total catchable is 60,000. 20,000 for the sporty guys {not a chance we will get that many} and 20,000 for commercial guys there expecting over 100,000 chinook so the river will load up. oh he also told me there getting very few coho in there nets we need some rain
Are the natives done fishing or will they keep fishing till they get there total? It's supposed to rain tonight so would it be a pretty good idea to fish the stamp tommorow? By the way where is the slide? Anyway are the chinook going up the river now or are they just coming in at high tide then going back out? If so do they usually just go up at night or high tide? If they go up at high tide hong long does it take the fish to get to say, the gun club? Anyway thanks for all the info!
Steelyman. I cant get out on the canal this weekend so was hopin to get over to the flow. wonderin if you could give me a few pointers as i know your a local. What did you hit them on? If you dont mind me askin where did you get em? No prob if you want to keep that to yourself though as i understand. Thanks if you can help
Check the regs. if your at the falls pool you may want to look up at the sign posting closed to all finfish until nov. 15. What guy's will do to pester the poor bastards.-dirty
You guys fish in the inlet and the ocean and they are all headed for the same place!!!! So you guys are doing the same thing people in the rivers are doing so dont think so much higher of yourself!
I definetly agree to kick the indians out of the river though:)! Anyway tight lines everyone
got out yesterday and managed 2 for from arrowville campground up, theres no fish in the mid section of the stamp arrowville up then fish the far side of the island with a float n a flossin rig, i have gtg to werk give you more detail later

ttyl cheers steelyman[}:)]