Alberni inlet this week

Degree of Freedom

Active Member
I've got a good friend visiting from Calgary starting this Friday. He's a fishing addict, but has never even seen a live salmon. I was at Lone Tree last Monday and it was hot. Any advice on where an how to get him into some fish over the next 10 days would be greatly appreciated!
Is Lone Tree still a good bet?
I'm guessing the springs will be hanging out until there is a good rain, but maybe some can say how long they usually hang around?
218 reads, one reply...I guess there's a bunch of people looking for info! I was at Lone Tree this morning. One of the guys I took forgot his wallet (and license) 20 mins from home, by the time we turned back and got to Alberni we were just in time to catch the very end of the bite. We got to Lone Tree at 6:40 and 3 boats had fish on. We had one in the boat at about 7:20, then it went dead for everyone until another small bite around 12:30. Ended up with 2 in the boat ( 20 & 26) and lost three (the guy who's license we had to go back for lost all 3 ;)). Cop Car spoons at 45' and mini pink hootchies at 55'.
Apparently the gillnetters were out yesterday, with a native opening coming this Sunday followed by gillnetters on Monday. I don't know if this info is accurate or not. Does anyone know were to find this out?
I'll be out on Saturday with my buddy from Calgary, hope we can get him into a couple [:p].