...actions speak volumes. [steelhead]

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Observations of various anglers while steelheading is proving to be very interesting to say the least...

The short of it...
Angler #1 = catch bonk, catch bonk...fish, fish, fish - catch bonk.
Then continues to angle and hook and release more steelhead.
Angler #2 = fish, fish, fish,fish, fish, fish, catch bonk - fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish and then hook and release more steelhead.

They left with four dead fish...

It is plain and simple, and stated in black and white - and it is very easy to read and understand = "When you have caught and retained your daily quota of [2] hatchery steelhead from any water, you must stop fishing that water for the remainder of the day.

The other notible was that these two partners did not tag their lic. directly after bonking each fish as required by law...very sad to witness.[xx(]:([V]

In-case you are un-aware, please find this helpful link to the BC freshwater synopsis and regulations.

Warning - I hope I don't see you do this again!

RVP. ;)
Yes Fish-Rite - falls pool...water is[was] low and clear, fishing has had it's moments...but seems off a little depending on the area that you target. They are around..

quote:Originally posted by Fish-Rite

Robert sounds like you been hangin in the falls pool again!How'd you do???

Kelly - pretty tough to freak on anyone who is on an opposite shore...there was 6 to 7 witnesses whos saw this go down.

The name that keeps coming up starts with "B" and ryhms with brown - he wears bright orange rubber boots, and his partner was decked out in full on forest green Bare apperal. They access the pool from the airport side...

quote:Originally posted by kelly

Nobody gave them an earful?

RVP. ;)
Speaking of the falls pool we'll be in there on Christmas Eve day, not on the creek side and not on the rock. But anchored up idling infront of the island, let the massacre begin....stay tuned for a full report, got bugs?;)
pull over to the rock for a little safety meeting and a bs before you start dominating that island, i'll have one ready.
Considering that Colorado Blades were slaying them last weekend at the Falls Pool, why the heck would you even consider breaking a bait ban if there are more legal, productive methods out there. [B)]
Looks like i gotta cancel that meeting. The folks need a ride to the duke point ferry tomorrrow morning. By the time i get to the rock at 9 or 930 theres gonna be about 8 guys there. Looks like an xmas day show for me.
Chevy, getta girlfriend, Go with the folks, do something rather than hangout on the F()&(n Computer... Jesus,,,,,,,,, get a life away from this online s*^t!!!!!!!!!! Better yet get a Cell and call each other... Infact get a company going anything, tackle, Videos, magazines, How to books, Maps to secret A holes.... Make your millions..... 90% of comapanies that fail for ones that never started..... Go Chevy Go..... All Hail Chev and the Gang!!!!
Roberto, you have beat'en me to the punch on that sub.. I heard about the malicious actions taken by these two individuals.. First things first, that orange boot wearing individual probably tallies 50-100 hatchery winters a season from the sole rock that he day after day apply's the same routine.. Do the math-avg. 100 day's solid per season: excessive- avg. 1 to 2 fish dead every 3 days: too much- total; anywheres from 60 to 150 retained hatcheries: priceless( if the freaking C.O.'s ever pull their heads from their coffee cups and realize this guy who has already been nailed for both limit violations and continuing to angle after a 2 fish retention has been obtained,and keeps it up..) Hopefully someone on the site has or know's someone involved with the authorities and will let them know.. It's not hard to find him.. The jackass only know's how to fish the one spot..-dirty
Why don't you just take it into your own hands, fellows? That's what our ancestors did when there was no law around... A few solid buddies and grab him by the ears and offer him a swim or a run... Works better than any ticket! And is usually very educational and lasting...
Dirty, SHerman and RVP

Its sad to see the greed for meat, maybe the CO just needs a few calls. IF they get enough of them they will proceed in checking out and I believe the fines get stiffer each time. Maybe this time they can take his gear and a ticket. It could get costly if they take the gear everytime. Heres the phone number 1 877 952 7277(RAPP) The falls pool does have cell service.

They cant patrol if you dont call or report, lets not just post something guys make a phone call
Excuse me Big Chrome thats the lamest post ive ever read!!What do you mean they cant patrol without a call??Thats there job isnt it??The falls pool is the falls pool always a meat show!!There are a few idiots but not as many as you guys think!

think about it!!, their job just does not cover patrolling the river bank. It covers everything from problem bears to hunting. What I am trying to say is if they had enough calls they might focus more attention on the issue and look into it. I dont know if you have heard how many dead bears were found this year dumped with their paws cut off and dead elk shot for no reason. that is only a small portion of what they do.
THink about how much time they spend looking into all that crap.

" There are a few idiots but not as many as you guys think!"

I was just reffering to the post on the individual that this topic was about. Not once did I mention anything about the numbers of fisherman taking fish.
maybe if you understood what I wrote, it wouldnt seem so lame