About Time !!!! All or None this is FAIR?

If the guy has the stuff to pass legislation that will make us all 'equal' fishermen, it will be up to us to support him. There is going to be lots of flack but it's time to stand up and be counted. If we are not willing to back his initiative then we should just shut up and step to the back of the bus where we belong. I don't want to be special, just equal:) and I'm willing to stand up for that.
Good for him. Not sure how far it will go, but it's definitely nice to see.
What a novel concept for us to be equal, and have an equal say, I sure hope it pans out that way. For the most part sporties are and seem to be protectors of the fisheries, I truly belive that we could have a very consturctive and contributing voice for the fish. I for one will want to be heard.
I figure sport caught salmon costs about $500/lb between boat depreciation and maintenance,moorage,gas,tackle and beer. If we went to a sport only fishery for chinook and coho's we could charge tourists hundreds of dollars for licenses and insist they be guided. They would gladly pay it if the fishing could be restored to historical levels.
I agree it's time to make a stand. We must open the eyes of the bleeding hearts and show them who the real keepers of the land are.
What a great thing it would be to not be discriminated against becuase of the collar of my tax paying skin.
I hate stephen harper allot.

BUT I do agree with him in this endevour.

I will support this 100%

I am so tired of the dfo excluding fishers because they are the wrong skin colour - racism.

its not traditional fishing when using monofilimanent nets ,aluminium/fibreglass boats and gasoline/diesel motors