A little concerned!!!

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Started Saturday off with a shuttle drop at the park.. All going good until I glanced to the side of the road on the way out and spotted a heap of chrome.. Yeah you heard right. Approx. 30 to 40 gutted coho dumped right alongside the road in a prov. park. Some jackas& or butt#$ not only screwed up royal but had the balls to blaitently dump them in such a manner...
If your on the site only a few words to your ignorance, karma will get you sometime down the road.. What next??- a disgraced dirty
personally id like to see whoever did that get gutted and dumped on the side of the road.

some people
At the campground. Some where head off and some were princess dressed. Comm. or on gready s.o.b.-dirty
Hey Jeff, ya I phoned it in yesterday.. You can probably guess as to what kind of reply I received from the office in Port..
Two questions were asked, first did I witness the dumping and second was there anyone in the area at the time of my sighting..
Well all being said, that was probably as far as I could get without them telling me straight up that there is no way in hell it could be investigated with the resources that our provincial fisheries enforcement is given.
Bye the way did you here of anything mentioned during the long and drawin out campaign about the state of our fisheries both fresh and salt.. I sure as hell didn't, anyways that is a whole other thread..
As for the dumpers I guess something like that will take a truck load of anglers to come across while the act is being committed.. who knows-dirty
Dirty one i came across the same thing last year well i was drifting the cowie with bags.A whole wack of chrome sockeye dumped,i phoned in too no avail they just said someone probably just cleaned out there freezer.

Just Bring it!
Saw the same ugly situation on lower Cowichan this year, talked to a native guardian, said roe is easy to sell, said thanks and took off real fast, he seemed as pissed as I was, hopefully something came out of it, what else can you do?
i see it all the time on the cowie , it`s bad . belly`s cut roe gone . whoever buys this roe should be shot<img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle>

tight lines