A Fishing Year In Pictures.


Crew Member
I put together this little tid bit a little while back, wasn't sure if I would share it. It's a little corny lol, just geting used to editing videos and pics playing with some programs.

My wife said it's like going to a funeral lol,, anyways maybe you guys won't mind it.

Takes you through a typical year on the water for our family, everything from saltwater to ice fishing to open water Pike and Walleye even some stream fly fishing.

Wow thanks for posting that! I gotta get out more.
That wicked. Thanks for sharing. I need to learn how to do this

And those perch!!!
I have to say, it’s very refreshing to see that youngster in a CFL jersey, even if it is the Esks.

At the risk of being publicly scolded (and fully aware I am very much in the minority), now that we’re fresh off another dry-as-toast Super Bowl - long live the CFL!

Go Lions!

And great photos, by the way.
I have to say, it’s very refreshing to see that youngster in a CFL jersey, even if it is the Esks.

At the risk of being publicly scolded (and fully aware I am very much in the minority), now that we’re fresh off another dry-as-toast Super Bowl - long live the CFL!

Go Lions!

And great photos, by the way.

Lol good stuff DP, we are a huge CFL family and football family. We raised 3 sons of which all played football from JR High until graduation. No hockey in our family, some baseball not much it was all football.

Having Hervey I think your Lions are going to see a huge turn around he's a heck of a good GM and football brain. Too bad our President couldn't stand sharing the lime light with someone smarter than he and got rid of him. Unfortunately I think we Eskie fans are in for another stretch of bad years.