Rich Kornbrath
March 30, 2022 at 4:00 pm
I would like to know the total value in numbers of fish and species of all FNs in-river gill net fishing, by tribe or gill net location, in the Fraser system by year.
I would like to know the total value – in dollars- of all FNs allowed commercial in-river gill net fishing by tribe or gill net location, in the Fraser system by year.
I would like to know the total value – in fish numbers, species & dollars- of all FNs FSC in-river gill net fishing by tribe or gill net location, in the Fraser system by year.
I would like to know the total cost-in dollars- individually and collectively of all DFO, Provincial & FNs fish enhancement & hatchery operations by location, and by year in the Fraser system.
I would like to know the estimated or approximate total cost-in dollars- of the salaries/benefits paid by taxpayers by year to both federal and provincial employees responsible specifically for salmon and steelhead management/conservation.
I would like to know how much -in dollars and by year- is paid by FNs tribes or individual official governmental FNs members (or lobbyists) to which federal and provincial political appointees.
It’s SARS, it’s conservation, it’s future generations…it’s way past time to f***ing shut it all down. Now, do we have all you stakeholders’ attention? the tribes, the ocean commercial, the ocean recreational commercial guides, the river recreational commercial guides, the recreational anglers…? Close it all for two seasons for starters and let’s all begin to talk human to human. Perhaps these many dollars and efforts can be redirected more effectively. I would like to know the total value – in fish numbers, species & dollars- of all FNs FSC in-river gill net fishing by tribe or gill net location, in the Fraser system by year