By: David Korsch
Hello Fellow Anglers
Again, I have been a bit neglectful in getting out a fishing report every two or three weeks. I should be able to get it out on a more regular basis from now on.
During the past couple of months we have continued to see a strong showing during the winter Chinook fishery. Most of the time we were finding the typical legal fish of 8 to 12 lbs, but during the past couple weeks a significant number of larger fish have moved into Howe Sound. The largest fish I have heard of so far was a 34.5 lb taken at Hutt Island (February 23rd), but there have been several other fish in the high teens through mid-20's taken as well. While there have been a few days where 1/2 a dozen or more fish (including legal and undersize) are boated, typically we are seeing a couple legal fish and a couple undersize fish hit most days. There was a bit of a slow period in early March, but it seems as if we are progressing out of it now.......a buddy hit 3 legal, 3 undersize, and lost another 2 at Grace Islands on Thursday........ For me, spoons continue to produce better than anything else, though the Purple Haze hootchie has also been productive at times. Funny thing is that I can't seem to catch a cold on bait this winter, though I have a few buddies who are getting most of their fish on Anchovies or Herring strip. The spoons that have been producing best for me are 2 3/4" Gypsy spoons (Army Truck, Flamin' Hans), though Coyote spoons have also been good producers all winter, and don't forget the trusty old #5 Diamond Lance that produced very well during the 1990's (colours 212, 500, and 50/50 silver/brass). Most places in Howe Sound and Vancouver Harbour require you to troll your offerings within 10' of the bottom for consistent results, though at Hole in the Wall the best depths are typically between 60 and 120'. Expect the South Bowen fishery to start showing signs of life within the next couple of weeks, though it likely won't get too hot until sometime in April.
The past two or three years have provided some very good fishing at Hole in the Wall during March with a high percentage of the fish weighing from 15 to 30 lbs, so the arrival of these larger fish off the West side of Bowen Island in late February could be an indicator that we will see this Hole in the Wall fishery start up again very shortly (it hasn't yet). In addition, Vancouver Harbour continues to produce well, and we should see locations in upper Howe Sound (Defence Islands and Porteau Cove) start to pick up. Fish have been caught at Defence Islands during the past month or so, but no real numbers yet.
The winner of the second draw prize for a 5 hour charter was Pascal Riou for his charter on February 21st. I will be doing the 3rd and last draw at the end of April. Those who did charters in Nov., Dec., Jan., and Feb. will still have one entry each in this last draw and previous winners can win a second time. Those who do trips in March will get two entries into this final draw, and charters during April will get a single entry. again, this contest is only open to those who receive my e-mail fishing reports, so chances are still excellent, as there are presently very few entries in the final draw.
As usual at this time of year, I generally have most days available for charter on fairly short notice. However, I do have a few commitments already. The days I still have open over the next couple weeks are: March 18th to 20th, and March 22nd to 27th. On March 17th, it is possible I could do an afternoon charter (departure around 11:30 or 12:00). This means the Easter weekend (22nd to 24th) is the only weekend during March that I still have any open days.
In addition to the salmon fishing, my prawn traps have been producing very well so far this winter, and these critters make an excellent addition to the day's catch. I will continue to put the traps out for the next couple months, but the commercial fishery generally starts May 1st, and I keep my traps out of the water once that fishery begins.
As always, feel free to pass this information along to any associates whom may appreciate the report.
Tight Lines, and Best wishes
David Korsch
Hello Fellow Anglers
Again, I have been a bit neglectful in getting out a fishing report every two or three weeks. I should be able to get it out on a more regular basis from now on.
During the past couple of months we have continued to see a strong showing during the winter Chinook fishery. Most of the time we were finding the typical legal fish of 8 to 12 lbs, but during the past couple weeks a significant number of larger fish have moved into Howe Sound. The largest fish I have heard of so far was a 34.5 lb taken at Hutt Island (February 23rd), but there have been several other fish in the high teens through mid-20's taken as well. While there have been a few days where 1/2 a dozen or more fish (including legal and undersize) are boated, typically we are seeing a couple legal fish and a couple undersize fish hit most days. There was a bit of a slow period in early March, but it seems as if we are progressing out of it now.......a buddy hit 3 legal, 3 undersize, and lost another 2 at Grace Islands on Thursday........ For me, spoons continue to produce better than anything else, though the Purple Haze hootchie has also been productive at times. Funny thing is that I can't seem to catch a cold on bait this winter, though I have a few buddies who are getting most of their fish on Anchovies or Herring strip. The spoons that have been producing best for me are 2 3/4" Gypsy spoons (Army Truck, Flamin' Hans), though Coyote spoons have also been good producers all winter, and don't forget the trusty old #5 Diamond Lance that produced very well during the 1990's (colours 212, 500, and 50/50 silver/brass). Most places in Howe Sound and Vancouver Harbour require you to troll your offerings within 10' of the bottom for consistent results, though at Hole in the Wall the best depths are typically between 60 and 120'. Expect the South Bowen fishery to start showing signs of life within the next couple of weeks, though it likely won't get too hot until sometime in April.
The past two or three years have provided some very good fishing at Hole in the Wall during March with a high percentage of the fish weighing from 15 to 30 lbs, so the arrival of these larger fish off the West side of Bowen Island in late February could be an indicator that we will see this Hole in the Wall fishery start up again very shortly (it hasn't yet). In addition, Vancouver Harbour continues to produce well, and we should see locations in upper Howe Sound (Defence Islands and Porteau Cove) start to pick up. Fish have been caught at Defence Islands during the past month or so, but no real numbers yet.
The winner of the second draw prize for a 5 hour charter was Pascal Riou for his charter on February 21st. I will be doing the 3rd and last draw at the end of April. Those who did charters in Nov., Dec., Jan., and Feb. will still have one entry each in this last draw and previous winners can win a second time. Those who do trips in March will get two entries into this final draw, and charters during April will get a single entry. again, this contest is only open to those who receive my e-mail fishing reports, so chances are still excellent, as there are presently very few entries in the final draw.
As usual at this time of year, I generally have most days available for charter on fairly short notice. However, I do have a few commitments already. The days I still have open over the next couple weeks are: March 18th to 20th, and March 22nd to 27th. On March 17th, it is possible I could do an afternoon charter (departure around 11:30 or 12:00). This means the Easter weekend (22nd to 24th) is the only weekend during March that I still have any open days.
In addition to the salmon fishing, my prawn traps have been producing very well so far this winter, and these critters make an excellent addition to the day's catch. I will continue to put the traps out for the next couple months, but the commercial fishery generally starts May 1st, and I keep my traps out of the water once that fishery begins.
As always, feel free to pass this information along to any associates whom may appreciate the report.
Tight Lines, and Best wishes
David Korsch