2023 Sooke Reports

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Hey folks, when do coho and pink usually show up around here?
Coho mid june but will be small not worth keeping, pinks will be here this year as its a odd year and Ive gotten them as early as lete june early july. full force definalty last week of july and into august. Report of my fellow guide who got a pink a few weeks back??? a lil lost id say.

Get your pink squirts in order and get what we call "blue hook" as they are bigger and a bit thicker in diameter as pink mouths dont have a jaw bone and skinny hook will alot of times rip right thru...this is a great year to get kids out and off the video games as it can be some great action.

Good luck Wolf
Spotted a few what I suspect were small coho boiling near point no point on Sunday morning.

Landed a 104cm halibut off of Muir creek same day. Caught it on an XL size spin n glow with herring.
Where are you getting the extra large spin and glows as I can’t find anywhere?
If I read the notice from DFO that came out May 23 about Coho in area 20. Am I reading it right that 2 Hatchery Coho can be kept starting June 1 and then Oct 1 it changes to 1 Wild and 3 Hatchery? Or does the 2nd part of the notice nullify the 1st portion?

Subject: FN0474-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Coho - Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5 - Coho Management Measures - Effective June 1, 2023

Continuing conservation concerns for Interior Fraser Coho require that 2023
Coho management measures remain precautionary.

Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only, effective 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5.

Portion of Subarea 20-1 (Port San Juan Light), Subareas 20-3 to 20-7:

Effective 00:01 hours October 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in that portion of Subarea 20-1 (seaward of a line between a square white boundary sign at Owen Point, the Port San Juan Light and Whistle Buoy, and San Juan Point); and Subareas 20-3 to 20-7, you may retain four (4) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked (excluding those portions of Subareas 20-1 and 20-5 that are closed to salmon fishing effective 00:01 hours August 1 to 23:59 hours October 31, 2023. Please see DFO website and/or Fishery Notice(s) for details of measures to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales).
If I read the notice from DFO that came out May 23 about Coho in area 20. Am I reading it right that 2 Hatchery Coho can be kept starting June 1 and then Oct 1 it changes to 1 Wild and 3 Hatchery? Or does the 2nd part of the notice nullify the 1st portion?

Subject: FN0474-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Coho - Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5 - Coho Management Measures - Effective June 1, 2023

Continuing conservation concerns for Interior Fraser Coho require that 2023
Coho management measures remain precautionary.

Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only, effective 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5.

Portion of Subarea 20-1 (Port San Juan Light), Subareas 20-3 to 20-7:

Effective 00:01 hours October 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in that portion of Subarea 20-1 (seaward of a line between a square white boundary sign at Owen Point, the Port San Juan Light and Whistle Buoy, and San Juan Point); and Subareas 20-3 to 20-7, you may retain four (4) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked (excluding those portions of Subareas 20-1 and 20-5 that are closed to salmon fishing effective 00:01 hours August 1 to 23:59 hours October 31, 2023. Please see DFO website and/or Fishery Notice(s) for details of measures to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales).
That's the way I understood it for 19 as well. 2 hatcheries until October.

"Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only, effective 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5. These measures exclude finfish closed areas, Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs), and areas closed to salmon fishing to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales. Please check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for more information.

Area 19:

Effective 00:01 hours October 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in Area 19, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked."
That's the way I understood it for 19 as well. 2 hatcheries until October.

"Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only, effective 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in Areas 11 to 20, 111, and Subareas 29-1 to 29-5. These measures exclude finfish closed areas, Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs), and areas closed to salmon fishing to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales. Please check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for more information.

Area 19:

Effective 00:01 hours October 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2023, in Area 19, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, of which only one (1) may be unmarked."
I assume you are correct as well. Although there is not many coho in Area 19 this early. But you might be able to find one hatchery somewhere in area 19.
Was out last weekend for the first trips for summer Chinook. I wasn't expecting much as Saturday was the full moon and BWD was calling for fairly windy SW winds both days. Combined with a quick and morning long ebb I was expecting a bit of a sh&t show. Saturday was a pleasant surprise..the water was decent with even the harbour entrance not a problem. Customers were 30 mins late so it really had me thinking this is just the beginning. But no...we got into 2 fish on the first pass and ended up into 9 for the day...smallest was likely 12 pounds, most were 15-17 pounds and the largest would have gone 22. Sunday well the harbour entrance was about as bad as it gets..big ebb undertow up against SW winds. Took us a while to plow our way past the bluffs and get out of the ebb current and into some better water. Once up west the water was fine but the fishing was more as expected for the full moon phase. We released one around 7 pounds and lost 1 other in 4 hours. Same crew so not bad overall to be into 11 springs over a day and a half. Shallow was the ticket and Skinny G's...35-50 ft.
Hello fellow fishers. I'm looking forward to canning some fish this year. hopefully coho and pinks... Wishing you all a good fishing season.........C.A.
Greetings fellow fishers! I thought I would throw this out there to see if anyone is interested. Being that this is a 'pink run' year, we're running the 'Take A Kid Fishing' Pink Salmon Festival this year. We need skippers who are willing to take 1 or 2 kids, and a chaperone out fishing for a few hours on July 23rd. Everyone gets a t-shirt and hat and there's a BBQ afterwards where every kid gets a fishing rod, tackle and other prizes donated by sponsors. It's a great way to spend the day and take kids fishing who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience that. There is also a 'Skippers Meeting' at the 6 Mile Pub on July 10th to tie up any loose ends and meet up with fellow skippers. If anyone is interested, you can find information and a skipper registration form at - pinksalmonfestival.ca
Went out this morning, on the water at 5:30am looking for Hatchery springs in Becher Bay. Picked up the first fish about 6am but unclipped and about 6lbs. 2 more in the next hour or so, one about 7 and the other about 10lbs. Caught 2 more between 8:30-9 around 10/11 lbs but still no clipped fish! After a while with nothing we decided to pack it in about 11:30. We were trolling back to Cheanuh and almost there when starboard side rod went off! Pretty good fight, got it up to the boat and saw it had a clipped fin. It went on another run, but got it back up in a few more minutes. Netted it quickly and headed in. It was 70cm and pretty thick, so estimated it to be about 9lbs. Happy to have sent my friend home with a decent fish after a few previous outings with nothing to keep!
On the hook west of sooke today beautiful day. 4 doggies, 2 pacific cod and an 84cm chicken for our efforts. Had a huge hit towards the end of the day took a few good runs and some big head shakes before breaking me off.


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was out today from 12:30 to 7:00 Trolling for coho. No luck Kid did get to play 1 spring all the way to the side of the boat but she didn’t keep pressure on the line fish unhooked itself.
Fished for Hali out of Pedder this morning and left the dock at about 6. Dropped the traps in Pedder on the way out and anchored up off William head. Fished from 7 to 12 with absolutely no action, like nothing, not even a dogfish. I was with a friend who has never caught a halibut before and things were not looking good. I told him we will fish until 12:15 and then we would pull the pin. At 12:11 I announced four minutes to go and joked that maybe if I started to put everything away maybe we would get one. Just as I start to put everything away one rod doubles over and starts peeling line, after a few minutes we land a 37lb halibut and my buddy is grinning from ear to ear. Had 4 keepers in the pot on the way in as well. Absolutely amazing day on the water.
Out off of Pedder this morning with two of my grandkids that just returned to the island after 3 years in Colorado. Not a nibble until around 11am. The grandson reeled up this one (112cm) Took him a little while but he got it in. Happy camper after getting skunked on Saturday on his first trip out since returning.


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Fished for Hali out of Pedder this morning and left the dock at about 6. Dropped the traps in Pedder on the way out and anchored up off William head. Fished from 7 to 12 with absolutely no action, like nothing, not even a dogfish. I was with a friend who has never caught a halibut before and things were not looking good. I told him we will fish until 12:15 and then we would pull the pin. At 12:11 I announced four minutes to go and joked that maybe if I started to put everything away maybe we would get one. Just as I start to put everything away one rod doubles over and starts peeling line, after a few minutes we land a 37lb halibut and my buddy is grinning from ear to ear. Had 4 keepers in the pot on the way in as well. Absolutely amazing day on the water.
That's the problem with "just a few more minutes"... then something like this happens at the end and now you ALWAYS want a "few more minutes" to see what happens 😆
Hi guys! Thinking of going out for hali this Tuesday as wind looks good but not sure about tide/ currents. Any thoughts? Appreciate your opinion
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