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It helps when you have sausage fingers lolWolf damn good at the anchovies rolls and the sausage rolls!

It helps when you have sausage fingers lolWolf damn good at the anchovies rolls and the sausage rolls!
Great jobIncredible sept 1st day out of sooke for us. Gear down about 8am an made a couple passes off the harbour mouth to posession but no action and lots of boats so decided to troll west an catch the flood at otter.
Got a big wave from the highliner wearing the high viz orange t shirtand i knew the luck would change. Got almost to the trailer park and the bite came on. Between 10 and 11 am we had 5 on and landed 3 including a 91cm hatchery red male(head in the bin) 81cm white, 77 cm red. Bait an spoons at 50' to 60' in 90' depth did the trick. Awesome season with great weather!
Time for coho
My neighbour tried to rent a boat, mid week, a couple of weeks ago. Although he had called days ahead there is no reservation system. The rental office opens at 9:00, he arrived at 8:00 but found people had been lining up at 6:00. Needless to say, no boat! The boat rental gives you a paper map indicating their boundaries for you. Be aware that there is a large zone west of Race Rocks that is closed to all salmon fishing, it starts approximately 1 mile from shore and goes out to the US border. The zone stretches from Race Rocks to Otter Point. I will let others comment on the best area to fish right now.Hey, my son and I are thinking of trying to rent a boat (we sold ours years ago when the Gov f...ed the fishing in our area) out of Pedder Bay tomorrow and/or Monday, and I'm hoping for some advice (etiquette [any different tactics/loops in the area?], where to start [Pedder, Rocky Pt, Race, etc...], etc...) for the area. With the rentals only going from 9am to 3pm, we're going to miss the morning bite, and the mixed tides don't look awesome, so I'm guessing we're going to have to work for them. Anyway, whatever you can share would be appreciated.
Btw, am I understanding correctly that possession of Chinook is now 2, and there isn't a slot?
I rented a boat last year and I was asked to fish inside the bay. There are some fish inside the bay, work for them.Hey, my son and I are thinking of trying to rent a boat (we sold ours years ago when the Gov f...ed the fishing in our area) out of Pedder Bay tomorrow and/or Monday, and I'm hoping for some advice (etiquette [any different tactics/loops in the area?], where to start [Pedder, Rocky Pt, Race, etc...], etc...) for the area. With the rentals only going from 9am to 3pm, we're going to miss the morning bite, and the mixed tides don't look awesome, so I'm guessing we're going to have to work for them. Anyway, whatever you can share would be appreciated.
Btw, am I understanding correctly that possession of Chinook is now 2, and there isn't a slot?
if it was the one caught by Giovanni, it was a JackA guy I know caught an interesting fish off of Possession Point a couple of days ago that appeared it was in the tuna/mackerel family with a round torpedo body etc. and gave it to me after he had filleted it out and decided he did not want it. . I know we do catch Mackerel on the coast and even in JDF in some warm water years. The difference is they are rather small and this was much bigger than the Mackerel I have seen caught on the coast. I cleaned up the fillets and they had a little of the silver showing after you strip off the skin as you would on a tuna or mackerel and the fillets were well over an inch thick. There was also a some dark flesh that looked like beef liver that I trimmed off. There was lots of meat that was bright white and dense like halibut when it was cooked. It was rather tasty and a lot more meat that I have got off the small mackerel we catch in some El Nino years. He thought it might me a King Mackerel but I am not sure we catch those on this coast. Any ideas? Anyone else caught anything in JDF this year in the Tuna/Mackerel family?
we got two the other day...A guy I know caught an interesting fish off of Possession Point a couple of days ago that appeared it was in the tuna/mackerel family with a round torpedo body etc. and gave it to me after he had filleted it out and decided he did not want it. . I know we do catch Mackerel on the coast and even in JDF in some warm water years. The difference is they are rather small and this was much bigger than the Mackerel I have seen caught on the coast. I cleaned up the fillets and they had a little of the silver showing after you strip off the skin as you would on a tuna or mackerel and the fillets were well over an inch thick. There was also a some dark flesh that looked like beef liver that I trimmed off. There was lots of meat that was bright white and dense like halibut when it was cooked. It was rather tasty and a lot more meat that I have got off the small mackerel we catch in some El Nino years. He thought it might me a King Mackerel but I am not sure we catch those on this coast. Any ideas? Anyone else caught anything in JDF this year in the Tuna/Mackerel family?
Halibut baitwe got two the other day...
I coated it and fried it in Avocado oil and then put it on a hamburger bun with a slice of smoked chedder and some tartar sauce. My version of a Fillet of Fish. It was extremely tasty.That’s good sashimi fish. How was it caught?
It was bumpy heading out from the harbour today and definitely slower but there are still many springs out there still. We didn’t fish Saturday as we don’t enjoy derby chaos, but Friday was an excellent afternoon/ evening bite at Secretary and possession for us with 4 springs and 3 hatchery coho in short order. We hooked three springs today in the same area but unfortunately only landed/released one plus a good sized hatchery coho and a bunch more unmarked. I’ve been experimenting with using a dummy flasher with one single barbless on the Chovy in order to not fight the flasher and facilitate an easier and cleaner gaff release on the shaker springs and unmarked coho. Worked great today in terms of getting a roll I like and the springs and coho seemed to agreeKind of different out there today. As we pounded out of the harbour my brother in the bow looked a little nervous. As expected not to bad once outside the bay. As often the case the smallest boat out there.
Did not see many nets out. Slowest it has been for a while Possession, Secretary ways. A 5 lb pink hooked in the dorsal fin got me excited for about 30 seconds. A couple more pinks (still) was it.