2023 Sooke Reports

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Do we know what the Chinook regs will be for Sooke (area 20-5) from Aug. 1
Chinook salmon20-3 to 20-7Barbless Hook & Line0/0/-Non-retention until Jul 31 (See Restrictions)
So today will be burned into my memory banks for the rest of my life...good and not so good. This will be a bit of a read but lots went on. Out with a group from Cali for the day at Otter and started the day with an instant miss of a bigger fish...then quiet for a bit except lots of smaller stuff...small springs, coho and pinks. Then mid morning ish we get into a good fish and release it at the side of the boat....it was likely 30 but going with 28 because we don't see them that often anymore and the estimator in me could be a little rusty for the larger ones. Still largest of the year for me. Then a couple of smaller springs 9 and 7 pounds and many smaller fish. I would say sometime around noon as I was just west of 3rd rock going west in 60ft of water..riggers at 40, 35 and 30 ft. The centre rigger at 40 goes off....not just off...ones of those rare ones where it comes off the rigger and the reel is screaming before the rod tells of a fish. I first rushed to get the drag released as it was tight...the less tension also gave me enough reduced pressure to get the rod out of the holder and into the clients hands. Honestly I was thinking a 15-20 pound run of the mill hooked in the dorsal or tail. I cleared the middle rigger and headed for the starboard one set to 35ft. I'm on a slowed down troll heading NW towards the beach, the fish was pulling due east. As I'm raising the starboard rigger and rod I see another line coming at me ahead of the rigger wire and down deep....it quickly passed under us going SW towards Sheringham and now out off my port side. The fish turned and ran right back at us. My client is now stuck on the starboard side with a line going under the boat. I still haven't fully cleared the starboard rigger but I'm now more concerned with the port one which is still down 30ft. I telling the client to ease off on the pressure as I know the mono is rubbing the wire and I don't want the fish to turn back and wrap on the wire. I manage to get the rod popped off and cleared then carefully bring up the wire and get the fish line past both the clip and and canonball.. Now I notice that we have been sucked by current and pushed by wind into shallow water and we are entering the bull kelp beds on the west side of 3rd rock. I know if the fish gets around one of these I'm done. I shove the kicker into reverse to move us back out into deeper water and at the same time try and get the bow to swing and have the wind blow us around so that the fish and client where on the same side again. I'm not sure if I hadn't fully put the starboard line on board or if nthe wind blew it back into the water. The next thing I know there is a bang and I know the prop just grabbed a line and my Trophy 9ft rod and MR2 are gonzo. Now I have a kicker full of line. I managed to get the boat and fish on the same side with the bow now pointed SE...this crazy spring then circled around our stern and by the time I grabbed the rod and put the tip down deep to clear the motors he had circled the bow and was now on the wrong side again heading back towards Sheringham. I managed to get the bow around in the wind again and by now he was pretty much finished with the tricks that got him to his size. Again I'm a bit rusty with the bigger ones and i would like to say 40 but going with 38 just to be safe. Clients got pics from their phone and sent to me but in a format my old PC can't open. Finished the trip with another fish shortly after that would have gone 20. Ended the day with 4 hatchery coho, and 6 pinks. All on Skinny G's. Long story but a good one. BTW I was the only boat there from 11am onward...so you will just have to believe me!!! lol Actually there were shore fishers right there on the beach who got a show and would have heard the f-bombs when the rod went over...lol
Isn’t that what they call a cluster? 😀
Great story!
The picture looks great with the fish in the water , rather than somebody holding it .
Haven’t brought a spring on the boat for a picture since C&R started. Some people ask if they can but I explain the stress it puts on the fish…. like running a 1/4 mile full out then just when it over someone covers your mouth and nose while they take a pic.
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Awesome story Rollie and a class act posting the pic of the fish in the water. It’s an XL for sure! Thanks for continuing to set such a great example on the water. Bummer about the rod though.
Thanks Martin. You know its sad so few guys are fishing before August 1st. I mean it's great for me to have it all to myself day in and day out. I've been very busy through the early summers since C&R started...I know others are not. I've been able to stay busy by explaining to callers on the phone..... Sport fishing is and should be 80% about the fun of playing fish,and even more if they are large and give you a true battle....(without loosing Islander's LOL) and 20% about bringing something home to eat. If you don't agree with that...then you should just buy your fish...its a lot cheaper. Not to say we shouldn't be able to keep a hatchery Chinook above the minimum legal size, year round. But until then life is short and there are only so many summers for all of us.
Thanks Martin. You know its sad so few guys are fishing before August 1st. I mean it's great for me to have it all to myself day in and day out. I've been very busy through the early summers since C&R started...I know others are not. I've been able to stay busy by explaining to callers on the phone..... Sport fishing is and should be 80% about the fun of playing fish,and even more if they are large and give you a true battle....(without loosing Islander's LOL) and 20% about bringing something home to eat. If you don't agree with that...then you should just buy your fish...its a lot cheaper. Not to say we shouldn't be able to keep a hatchery Chinook above the minimum legal size, year round. But until then life is short and there are only so many summers for all of us.
Totally agree with your 80/20 analogy, Rollie
I too am grateful for the opportunity to C&R.
A 40 pounder in sooke is a memory to cherish forever, and best to let them go even if you could keep it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love eating fish and my wild sockeye fillets were unbelievable last night. (Buy 1 get one free)
Thanks Martin. You know its sad so few guys are fishing before August 1st. I mean it's great for me to have it all to myself day in and day out. I've been very busy through the early summers since C&R started...I know others are not. I've been able to stay busy by explaining to callers on the phone..... Sport fishing is and should be 80% about the fun of playing fish,and even more if they are large and give you a true battle....(without loosing Islander's LOL) and 20% about bringing something home to eat. If you don't agree with that...then you should just buy your fish...its a lot cheaper. Not to say we shouldn't be able to keep a hatchery Chinook above the minimum legal size, year round. But until then life is short and there are only so many summers for all of us.

Very well said. In my opinion, the 80/20 philosophy is essential to the survival of Chinook, and maybe all pacific salmon. The climate, habitat and fishing pressures are simply too grave to sustain current harvesting levels and everyone needs to take less, including sports fishers. My son and I will happily release large Chinook just as we have always happily released steelhead, which must be released by law. If we collectively don’t start voluntarily releasing big Chinook, it will be imposed by law. And if the numbers keep declining, it will be C&R followed by no fishing.

Thanks for what I view as an inspirational perspective.
Skippering the take a kid fishing pink salmon festival and circumstances have me leaving out of Pedder fishing that end. Just wondering if it is worth throwing the crab trab down for the experience for the kids as I am normally out of Sooke
Beautiful. Bigger than most…Irish cream spoon—nice. Does anyone use 6 inch spoons or large plugs in Sooke? Fish them in Ukee…sorry about your combo. Have not had the pleasure yet…
Not that spoon
Lumpy and foggy on the way out of Sooke today. Almost turned back. Hid behind Secretary and fortunately things starting to flatten out. First and best fish of the day was a low 20's chinook 40' down on a loonie spoon above dummy flasher. The rest of the morning was pretty much non stop wild coho's 3-5 lbs and smaller springs up to around 10 lbs. Too many shakers. Hard to catch Pinks when you can't get your gear through the coho's and chinooks. Only caught 2 pinks, both on a Loonie Spoon trailing about 20 pulls behind the boat with a 2 oz weight. Weather blew up on the way in around 11:30.
Fished 7-10:30 this morning. Started at Aldridge but it was cold and windy. Stayed in the bay until 9 and only managed a small spring and a few pinks. At 9, the wind dropped and the fog rolled out. Most boats moved out to the Head and it was non-stop action of pinks and coho. Quickly finished up with 2 hatch coho and 10 pinks. Must have lost 20+ fish.
Thanks for the recent reports all, hopefully headed to Sooke this week for a morning fish. Bigwavedave/windy accurate for the basin and/or becher areas? First time heading out that way.
Started at Aldridge but it was cold and windy.
YEAH what is with all this wind ...I see this am finally a day without and not as much for the week .
Toady was still great action we lost more then landed and found them in a bit shallower in the 250 to 300 foot range. lil 6 year old had a balst he "reeled" in most of them and wanted to get in there and get his hands all slimy was great to see . if you can take a kid fishing.
FINALY a nice calm day woke up at my normal 4 am Pee break its just POURING rain, And i was happy about it as its so dry wish it rained for a few days leve at the crack of 8 am LOL and right awy its crazy good I did notice fish everywhere high so abandone the normal depths of 35 to 80 bring it up 15 to 30 feet needless to say right move triple headers doubles so much fun. normal pink squirts mint tulip AP spoon all produced dont think it realy matters.
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