2018 Ucluelet Reports

Hi Folks,
We have been running this adult Salmon diet program over the last year (see thread below), primarily in the SoG and JdF. It would be great to expand to the west coast. We have an offer from the Ucluelet Aquarium to act as a depot for sample drop off. Basically you would record info on fish size, species, hatch/wild, catch location etc. Freeze the whole digestive tract with a data card, and drop it off at the depot when you have a chance. Just inquiring as to how many folks in Ucluelet and Tofino would be interested in participating if we set this up?

PM or respond to the thread below with questions. Apologies for the non report post.

In Ukee this week for our annual March break trip and almost wishing I’d brought the boat (until I remind myself of the BC Ferries gouging) - weather has been gorgeous (until the rain finally showed this morning) and can’t remember last time the Oceans been so flat calm for so many consecutive days?!

UC - has anybody been going out or any late winter/early spring reports to share?

Lots of whales off the coast already, seeing multiple whales every day off the wild Pacific Trail and PRNPR beaches.


How many samples a week are you looking for?

Not a huge number.... if we could get 15-25 Chinook per month from May through September and a similar number of Coho when present that would be fantastic. Ideally these fish would be a mix of of offshore and onshore (ie. not all from the same spot over the same couple of days). Winter fish would be even more fantastic, but I believe a limited number of folks participate in the winter fishery.

If interested PM me your email or email willduguid@hotmail.com and we can chat further.
UkeeDreamin - Yes lots of whales the spot that put a few in the boat this past weekend was Swale Rock.

Bugs - should be able to pull that off just getting the guides to bag and drop off at Aquarium could take twisting some arms, any chance you have a small freezer that we could keep at our dock location for samples?
Hey UC... is there a phone number or email where I can discuss this with you directly? THanks Will
Hi guys I usually don't come over to the west coast untill June. Was wondering how far out a guy needs to go this time of year for a Hali... Is there any truth that a person can possibly puck them up as close as 2/3 miles off the shoreline... Was thinking of coming over and giving a try. ..
I've tried multiple times in the sound and all I ever hooked was rock piles lol... Never have I seen a Hali caught in the sound I guess ya just need to know the area better...
B Mo caught one while trolling for salmon just outside by the looks of it in an episode I watched recently. I've never caught a hali inside, but they are there somewhere (if the rumors are true).
Early in the season is your best chance in the Sound but there are areas inside you can get them throughout the season. getting someone to share their inside/protected water Hali holes/pinnacles is a completely different matter ....

south bank and turtles head aren’t what they used to be and are bit further than 1-2 miles, but not much further, and both hold halibut in June and through the summer.


When do the salmon reg's for 23/123 get published for this summer's fishery. . or are they finalized and out yet?

When do the salmon reg's for 23/123 get published for this summer's fishery. . or are they finalized and out yet?


Download the FishingBC app. The regulations update every 24 hours and has some other neat features as well. Here is what that app shows for your area in question.

When do the salmon reg's for 23/123 get published for this summer's fishery. . or are they finalized and out yet?

All salmon planning and future regulations are still in process. DFO is still working with SFAB on the amendments to the IFMP There will be changes to some fisheries. Given the expected abundance for Barkley Sound Chinook there is not likely to be changes. Off shore is still in flux as there are Conservation concerns over some Fraser stocks. A lot will depend on what other Conservation measures will take place up North and how many Fraser bound fish would pass safely as a result. Won’t know for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

I would guess we will not see much in terms of final decisions until further into May. Drop dead is June.
All salmon planning and future regulations are still in process. DFO is still working with SFAB on the amendments to the IFMP There will be changes to some fisheries. Given the expected abundance for Barkley Sound Chinook there is not likely to be changes. Off shore is still in flux as there are Conservation concerns over some Fraser stocks. A lot will depend on what other Conservation measures will take place up North and how many Fraser bound fish would pass safely as a result. Won’t know for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

I would guess we will not see much in terms of final decisions until further into May. Drop dead is June.

Thanks Searun!!
