2016 Nootka Sound/Esperanza Inlet Fishing Reports

Just got back today after three days fishing, for us the fishing was dreadful. Saturday was best day with 5 fish on but boated two only (biggest 23lbs) I had a friend and his son up with me both novice fishers (that's my excuse) LOL. Friday had 2 bites, Sunday 1 bite only the whole day. Worst I have experienced in years, there only seemed to be a very early morning bite and no or very little tide change bite. Fished the usual inside places Coopte Pt, Hoisse Pt, Beer Can, Camel, Hanna Channel and Tahsis Inlet. All fish had very small needle fish inside them. We hooked most of our fish on spoons not Anchovy and I love bait.. Also Too rough to go outside. GET UP EARLY most boats on water before 5.00am
Back up next week to try again. tight lines to all who are up this week.
Just got back today after three days fishing, for us the fishing was dreadful

Same here. Got back from a 4 day trip yesterday. We only hooked 4 sizable chinook for the entire trip. Had about a dozen or so shakers/jacks. It was also dead for us the 2 trips that we made to the church outside (which was as far as we got due to the poor marine conditions).
Back from 7 days in Nootka, fishing quite slow in my opinion when you consider predicted run size. First group of friends landed 8 springs over 20 lbs for 4 days of fairly hard fishing. All fish on white hootchies or cop car spoon first thing in morning. Evenings were a waste of time for us. No keepers at Burdwood and a few nice ones last Sunday morning on the beach outside of the Monument.

Sons came up on Thursday and we kept 10 over 20 fishing on the inside. San Carlos, Hoise, Coopte and the usual spots. All but 1 on same plastic and spoons again in spite of some lengthy goes with bait and again most in morning only. Had 1- 34lb and 1- 30lb and 2-28lb so the size was good for us. Depths--up shallow early and down to 65 feet as morning progressed.

We stayed in one of the cabins at Friendly Cove. Great experience if you are ok with very basic camping. Terrific views, love the sound of the ocean at night and a bit of culture we all need to experience. Had hoped to fish offshore but wind limited that to 2 brief forays out to Beano and nothing but shakers for us there.
Just returned from 4 days at Moucha Bay. It was our first trip into Nootka Sound and had my two kids up with me. We had a great time but the fishing was slow for us. We mostly fished Hoiss Pt down to Coopte Pt. We picked up 2 in this area and lost several others. Great to see the kids excitement at the power of these fish! We picked another one up on an evening troll around Camel Rock. San Carlos was hot at times up into Beer Can Bay but we didn't hook into anything in that area. We marked fish consistently there but could not get them to take anything. Two fish were on anchovy and the other on a kitchen sink pattern spoon. Most consistent depths for us were between 57' to 69' but we also had hits and lost a nice one at 33' at first light. We did try the outside briefly on Sunday - Beano Creek area near the boundary and then the Monument for an hour or so. We didn't get a sniff and saw no fish caught in those areas. Jellyfish were frustrating - especially while trolling anchovies. They seem to catch onto and hold the jelly slime more than spoons. Had to check lines every 15 mins to try and keep them clean - and there was almost always jellyfish on them even with 15 min check intervals. Far fewer jelly fish at San Carlos area. Nootka Sound is such a scenic location to fish. The views are stunning. We will be back next year. The fishing is slow all over this year so hoping next year will see a return to the limits that everyone has talked about before. Thanks for all the tips and advice on this forum - it definitely helped us. If the forecasts are for lower than average runs and dismal returns next year, I'll take that to mean it should be a spectacular season of fishing! :-)
Now for the bizarre story of our trip. Trolling near Coopte Pt on Saturday morning. One of the rods slowly bent down and back up again - typical sign of running through yet another bunch of jellyfish. Pulled up the downrigger and saw fishing line caught around the ball. I had my son put the boat in neutral immediately to avoid tangling in the prop. Pulled up the other downrigger and more line was around it. There were no other boats around me - that was the first scan I did to see if I had somehow hooked someone's line but I knew that couldn't be the case. After getting the line untangled on one side, I started pulling it in by hand - it started pulling back! Managed to get it to the boat and netted a 20 pounder. Untangled the other side and pulled in the rod and reel ... it was still in the rod holder which had apparently ripped from the side of the unlucky persons boat when the fish hit. I called out on channel 16 multiple times asking for anyone who had lost a rod and reel to call me. I had one person meet up with me at Moucha Bay but it wasn't his. I was really hoping to be able to return it to the owner along with the salmon that had remained attached (the hook fell out as soon as I got it in the net - we had lost 3 in a row but somehow this one stayed hooked - bizarre). I let the staff at Moucha Bay know but so far no one has reported anything. If the story rings a bell for anyone on the forum, please let me know. I've washed the reel and rod down with fresh water and it seems good as new - also have the snapped rod holder you can mount on the wall as a memento :-). If you can identify it, I have some vacuum sealed chinook fillets that will accompany the return of your rod and reel!
Awesome story!!! Thanks for sharing. Nootka fishers usually talk amongst each other. I am sure you will hear from someone at some point...
Hi Saratoga, when I got back to Saavedra Island the other day my friend Robert was telling me about his tale of woe. He said they had a fish smash it off the clip and next thing they see is the rod holder snap off at the bottom and the rod and reel went splash. It floated for about 5 seconds so he thought about it but then said no. I know that's where they were fishing when it happened.

It is a Okuma reel that he just bought from Nootka Island Lodge, not sure what the brand of the rod was but I can ask him. They went back home yesterday.

Does that sound like the reel?



YES the out flow winds and off shore northwesterly kept most fishers inside Nootka & Esperanza the last week of July.
BUT THAT WAS OK! Simultaneous with the wind coming up the schools of Springs, Chinook, Kings moved inside the Sound and Inlet. Yes limits of 15 to 27lb Chinook were in the majority the norm.


Early morning and late evening flood tides seem to be producing the best. Fishing anchovies on one side and a glow 4in. coyote or hoochie on the other side is the scoring combo.


Esperanza Hot Spots- Rosa Harbour, Double Is., Pin Rks. & the log dump east of Garden Pt.
Nootka Hot Spots- Coopte Pt., Hoiss Pt, San Carlos Pt. west to the log dump & Three Bay area


MORE GOOD NEWS!!! The winds are going to lay down Sunday night so by Tuesday it will be very fishable on the outside. Esperanza- 4 mile reef, the Pins, the “T” & the Highway will all be Producers.

Nootka- Bajo, Beano Ck. & the Highway will light up again.
July wrap up. After fishing the last 30 days in July I will sum up the fishing in a few words. Shitz, struggle, depressing, exhausting, sucked.

Now that's not to say I haven't had fun and met a lot of my old clients but it's not been easy. I just had a group that I've have for a few years now, same time same place. Last year we fished Camel Rock for 3 days period. We caught 20 springs a day and ended up keeping there 8 and throwing the rest back. The year before we fished San Carlos for 3 days and caught even more fish than last year.

So for those that keep talking about the 100 thousand springs returning this year WHEN????

We had a few good days offshore and caught lots of bottom fish and did well on salmon but the wind gods have not been nice to us this year.

I just came to town for a few supplies and a service on my boat so it's back at it in the morning at 0500 until September.

Good luck and let the fish move soooooooooon.

Yes that sounds like it Mike - what's the best way to connect offline so we can chat? I really wanted to get this back to the person who lost it. I can only imagine how they felt - fishing was slow, get a good hit and then lose the rod and reel.
July wrap up. After fishing the last 30 days in July I will sum up the fishing in a few words. Shitz, struggle, depressing, exhausting, sucked.

Now that's not to say I haven't had fun and met a lot of my old clients but it's not been easy. I just had a group that I've have for a few years now, same time same place. Last year we fished Camel Rock for 3 days period. We caught 20 springs a day and ended up keeping there 8 and throwing the rest back. The year before we fished San Carlos for 3 days and caught even more fish than last year.

So for those that keep talking about the 100 thousand springs returning this year WHEN????

We had a few good days offshore and caught lots of bottom fish and did well on salmon but the wind gods have not been nice to us this year.

I just came to town for a few supplies and a service on my boat so it's back at it in the morning at 0500 until September.

Good luck and let the fish move soooooooooon.

Thank you for the honest report Codfather. It's definitely one of the worst seasons ever for lack of numbers and size of fish . I started fishing Nootka, back in the 70's when fish over 50 lbs. were not uncommon. Now a 25 makes headlines . I was very fortunate to have been a part of those good old days. I had a friend Marv from Courtenay that seined on pebble beach in the 60's. 600 springs in one set.
Thank you for the honest report Codfather. It's definitely one of the worst seasons ever for lack of numbers and size of fish . I started fishing Nootka, back in the 70's when fish over 50 lbs. were not uncommon. Now a 25 makes headlines . I was very fortunate to have been a part of those good old days. I had a friend Marv from Courtenay that seined on pebble beach in the 60's. 600 springs in one set.

I totally agree.... I never was lucky as a kid to fish the 70's there. But coming to the party late. Only fished nootka for the last 5 years. I keep hearing from old timers about the size and quantity of fish from the old days. I always believed I could 40 in nootka. But talking to guides and old timers and they laugh...... 10 years to late I get told.
Then you get ...... Best run in 50 years... Just makes me chuckle. People fishing for customers. Nootka is a beautiful place to fish. So many options you can't get it all in, in just one trip. Esperenza is an ugly inlet and has no fish best to stay in nootka

Pretty bad when all the fish are now largely Columbia bound and the Bonnivlle dam project has more funding than the entire dfo hatchery program.
I totally agree.... I never was lucky as a kid to fish the 70's there. But coming to the party late. Only fished nootka for the last 5 years. I keep hearing from old timers about the size and quantity of fish from the old days. I always believed I could 40 in nootka. But talking to guides and old timers and they laugh...... 10 years to late I get told.
Then you get ...... Best run in 50 years... Just makes me chuckle. People fishing for customers. Nootka is a beautiful place to fish. So many options you can't get it all in, in just one trip. Esperenza is an ugly inlet and has no fish best to stay in nootka

Pretty bad when all the fish are now largely Columbia bound and the Bonnivlle dam project has more funding than the entire dfo hatchery program.
Chill out. The fish are late
Chill out. The fish are late

lol its august 2nd.. they arent coming. Every crappy year the go to is they are late. the season is basically over in 3 weeks. I have been fishing this coast for over 20 years and never has that ever materialized. There is defintely some fish to come, but the majority of the "run of the decade" is over
I was up in early July. I agree there were no fish in shore at that point. However, offshore at Bajo it was as good as the best days I have seen in the last 10 years I have fished there. There were a lot of large healthy fish feeding actively. The Codfather is the top guide in Nootka and I respect his opinion greatly. I just want a balanced view that while perhaps its not the "best run in 50 years", its not been a complete right off. Maybe I just hit the perfect couple of days.....for 4 days in a row. Besides, when I fish at Nootka its the entire experience........meat is nice, but, the place is pretty special; history, culture, scenery, wildlife etc...
I was up in early July. I agree there were no fish in shore at that point. However, offshore at Bajo it was as good as the best days I have seen in the last 10 years I have fished there. There were a lot of large healthy fish feeding actively. The Codfather is the top guide in Nootka and I respect his opinion greatly. I just want a balanced view that while perhaps its not the "best run in 50 years", its not been a complete right off. Maybe I just hit the perfect couple of days.....for 4 days in a row. Besides, when I fish at Nootka its the entire experience........meat is nice, but, the place is pretty special; history, culture, scenery, wildlife etc...
Agreed! I was in nootka there july 18-22 and we had good off shore fishing. Didn't even try inside. We had 20-30 springs to the boat and killed our 8 all over 20. We even got a few fish at beno one day the wind kicked up. I love nootka and will go every year. That place is so good for the soul.
lol its august 2nd.. they arent coming. Every crappy year the go to is they are late. the season is basically over in 3 weeks. I have been fishing this coast for over 20 years and never has that ever materialized. There is defintely some fish to come, but the majority of the "run of the decade" is over
I read an interesting thread from a river guy earlier in June or July, he said that he had never seen so many salmon in the river at that time of year before, he described as he could have walked across the river and he had been fishing that river for 20+ years, said it only lasted about 5 to 7 days or so, I can't remember which river it was but it was up the interior some where.
Maybe they didn't school up this year in the Strait, maybe they schooled up offshore and then just shot straight up the river. I have seen that happen often enough, just not on the described scale.
Or maybe 160,000+ seals can eat a lot.
Just got back from Nootka, very quick trip- it is slow- not spotty more localized. The fish are not as spread out as they normally are. Some people are doing well and others nothing. It is a bit of a gong show. So the fish are at coopte, hoiss -big time this am at san carlos-some at Burdwood Camel was dead this am. Nothing out at Bajo or Beano other than some big wild coho. Made it outside through thick fog Mon. only to discover me and about 15 boats were playing tag in the fog to beat the crowd. Lots of Ling but only heard of 1 spring taken. Irish cream, nano Jug, Glo, white hoochie and of course chovie on longer leaders. Nothing doing at wash, monument or dollies--could they be coming down the tahsis inlet??? good possibility!! It was a pleasant if not rushed trip, good quality fish to 26lbs-big shout -out to the ramp guys at Gold River-they are helping get boats in and establishing some order---great to see!! Usually pretty fish picture-the fish is pretty -not me!!DSC00914.JPG
Yes that sounds like it Mike - what's the best way to connect offline so we can chat? I really wanted to get this back to the person who lost it. I can only imagine how they felt - fishing was slow, get a good hit and then lose the rod and reel.
Saratoga, reading your story about the found rod and reel restores my faith in fishermen being great people. I have to admit I was questioning that a bit last week in the chaos in various spots inside Nootka