2016 Nootka Sound/Esperanza Inlet Fishing Reports

You can fish right beside the Red can if you want as it is part of the line--without quoting lats and longs --essentially draw a straight line from Macquina --to the red can and continue 2 miles beyond it -then back to the tip of the old RCA. So along that line --2miles before the red can draw a line into Beano and that's it. It runs hot and cold out there-great one evening-Dead sea next morning and so it goes. I'm a spoiled old cuss--- we got some excellent fish but seriously cut into my afternoon nap time to tub out. I had no confidence that an evening fish would do anything for me around the monument . I have not seen a fish taken there this year and most years you could count on it. Just a bit different-that's all-a little flexibility and patience works-unfortunately patience is not my long suite when it comes to fishing. LOL
I hear you on the Monument. We didn't see action there a couple of weeks back either. Thanks for clarifying the Red Can reference point. I know it can turn on and off on a dime.....It was "on" for us last Monday. I have to still chart out the new regs on my plotter. Awaiting a new set of Garmin maps from GPS Central in Calgary.
I hear you on the Monument. We didn't see action there a couple of weeks back either. Thanks for clarifying the Red Can reference point. I know it can turn on and off on a dime.....It was "on" for us last Monday. I have to still chart out the new regs on my plotter. Awaiting a new set of Garmin maps from GPS Central in Calgary.
The new area is liveable-I just punch it in as a Shown route with skull and crossbones at all the points and it's easy to walk the line if you feel the need-but fortunately the fish don't see the line and they get careless. LOL
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Great report dmurph. Thanks for sharing. Your one of the ones that gets it :cool:.

Yes excellent report dmurph thanks for sharing..I remember my 1st time up there many many moons ago..

Sorry Sculpin I'm not into sharing every detail of every trip of every salmon/fish caught I'm not one of those guys to post that on Internet ..great to share some general idea of where and when and the odd picture..but isn't putting in time and the hunt what it's all about? Salmon are here today and there tomorrow.
To my closest friends I'll give way points or pinacles /shelves to fish FB_IMG_1469199462891.jpg but then I'm old school I guess..
Now get out there and catch some fish
.they are there
.or are they here??..
Headed up on 7/28 for 10 days and I am jacked! Looks like the weather will be beautiful and hopefully the fish will be headed to Camel Rock.

has anyone dropped fish off at Moutcha to be processed by St. Jeans?
Just back from a quick trip tues afternoon to Thursday. Stayed at cougar creek, it's full. Overflow not bad if you make it your own :). It's all about the fishing anyway. And very nice people there makes it a good trip too. One or two sites open up a day at 9am, gone by 930am. Nice weather. Summer!

Summary- Fishing is spotty on the inside. But there are fish there. Good morning bite one day, quieter the next was the pattern from talking with the longer term guys there.

Example, report from Critter: Wed- 2 springs brought into Critter cove by 2pm.

Yesterday morning though there was hot bite off the wall and 2-4 fish by 630am for a lot of boats who fished there first thing.

We focused on San Carlos and had fish at first light each day so were happy, nothing huge, biggest 21lbs. Very slow once full sun was up.
So, fish are inside and chances to be had at all usual spots but not consistent fishing yet like others have had this time of year in past years. Right place right time type of thing. Chovies are a good bet, 5' leader. Army truck flasher best for us. Bullet roll key, check often for jellyfish slime and seaweed.

Beware of the old timers with a "fish on". Pretty funny to watch them get their kick off that joke and how people absolutely lose their minds when the old timers don't seem to notice their fish on, me included. I say old timers cause we figured they've been running that gag since the days before down riggers. If they've gotten you then you know what I mean :).
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Just back from a quick trip tues afternoon to Thursday. Stayed at cougar creek, it's full. Overflow not bad if you make it your own :). It's all about the fishing anyway. And very nice people there makes it a good trip too. One or two sites open up a day at 9am, gone by 930am. Nice weather. Summer!

Summary- Fishing is spotty on the inside. But there are fish there. Good morning bite one day, quieter the next was the pattern from talking with the longer term guys there.

Example, report from Critter: Wed- 2 springs brought into Critter cove by 2pm.

Yesterday morning though there was hot bite off the wall and 2-4 fish by 630am for a lot of boats who fished there first thing.

We focused on San Carlos and had fish at first light each day so were happy, nothing huge, biggest 21lbs. Very slow once full sun was up.
So, fish are inside and chances to be had at all usual spots but not consistent fishing yet like others have had this time of year in past years. Right place right time type of thing. Chovies are a good bet, 5' leader. Army truck flasher best for us. Bullet roll key, check often for jellyfish slime and seaweed.

Beware of the old timers with a "fish on". Pretty funny to watch them get their kick off that joke and how people absolutely lose their minds when the old timers don't seem to notice their fish on, me included. I say old timers cause we figured they've been running that gag since the days before down riggers. If they've gotten you then you know what I mean :).

Come on-you are spoiling one of the joys of life for us old fellers-have to admit it's pretty funny-almost had guys board us cause we wouldn't stop our heated discussion to grab a wildly bucking rod. Once caught-forever shy!!! LOL
Just back from a quick trip tues afternoon to Thursday. Stayed at cougar creek, it's full. Overflow not bad if you make it your own :). It's all about the fishing anyway. And very nice people there makes it a good trip too. One or two sites open up a day at 9am, gone by 930am. Nice weather. Summer!

Summary- Fishing is spotty on the inside. But there are fish there. Good morning bite one day, quieter the next was the pattern from talking with the longer term guys there.

Example, report from Critter: Wed- 2 springs brought into Critter cove by 2pm.

Yesterday morning though there was hot bite off the wall and 2-4 fish by 630am for a lot of boats who fished there first thing.

We focused on San Carlos and had fish at first light each day so were happy, nothing huge, biggest 21lbs. Very slow once full sun was up.
So, fish are inside and chances to be had at all usual spots but not consistent fishing yet like others have had this time of year in past years. Right place right time type of thing. Chovies are a good bet, 5' leader. Army truck flasher best for us. Bullet roll key, check often for jellyfish slime and seaweed.

Beware of the old timers with a "fish on". Pretty funny to watch them get their kick off that joke and how people absolutely lose their minds when the old timers don't seem to notice their fish on, me included. I say old timers cause we figured they've been running that gag since the days before down riggers. If they've gotten you then you know what I mean :).

The old timers you see bouncing their rods out there is my old man and his fishing partner Skip! They have been doing that for 30 years! Lol gets people pretty excited seeing their rods bouncing and not paying any attention! Lol
Yes the Highway, 4 mile reef & the mouth of Esperanza have been HOT!
With daily Tyees hitting the cleaning tables.
Good news there was good action off San Carlos & Hanna Channel TODAY!!!
Maybe they finally arrived & are on the Bite!!
Just got back from being out there from Thursday - Sunday. We fished hard, on the water by 5 am , in for a bite and nap around noon, and fishing till dusk. We ended up with four Chinook, one coho pushing 15 pounds. we went offshore and got our limits of snapper and a couple of nice lings. All on swim baits.
But as for salmon it was painfully slow. We tried all the usual spots inside, and made it out to the Monument, Maquinna and Beano. Contrary to some previous reports, three of our four Chinook were caught at the Monument, right tight to the rocks, including a double header right on the beach in 30' of water, both landed. The fish inside were taken deep, 65-80 feet were common depths people were trolling. San Carlos had a morning bite, which quickly died off. My partner lost a dinger of a fish in Beer Can Bay after almost getting spooled. Funny thing: I have never seen so many chinooks coming clear out of the water. Three of our four fish were putting on aireal displays, and other fish I saw landed were doing the same.
The water temp at Camel Rock was 69 degrees Fahrenheit on Friday; putting your hand in the water it felt like a swimming pool, hence the necessity to fish deeper, cooler water.
I was trolling AP spoons, anchovies with bloody nose teaser heads, and a variety glow needle fish. All of our salmon were taken on needle fish.

That aside it was a fun and relaxing trip, despite all the long faces and negative chatter on the radio, every one was having a good time. Weather was pretty nice, little to no wind to speak of. Got a kick out of the guy towing his kids around in an inner tube around Camel Rock. Heck fishing is slow, might as well have some fun. I don't think other were as amused as I was!
People gravitate towards Camel Rock and Hoiss like magnets; I personally gravitate towards the rugged coastlines , especially around Burdwood and Maquinna trolling towards Beano Creek. We are very spoiled here in B.C.
Oh one more thing: the Chinook we got on the outside were stuffed with tiny, tiny needlefish, about two inches long max.
753.JPG They finally arrived last night on the in coming tide. Above is Carol Campbell- she landed this 34lb Chinook. Her Husband Matt caught the small ones. LOL!! Several other fisher from the Marina Also scored on these chrome bright springs last evening.
The catching lit up Sunday evening from the Nootka Light House to Camel Rk. Carol caught her Tyee at the log dump in Hanna Channel.
Yes they are late but the Conuma Chinook Run Has Finally Arrived in NOOTKA!!!!!
Just got back from three days fishing Esperanza. The first day the weather way a bit rough to go outside so we fished inside and picked up two decent chinook and a coho in the first hour of fishing. Prospected around different areas inside for several more hours with no action. Weather had calmed down so we decided to run outside and give that a try. Well that turned out to be the right choice. Dropped down and immediately started hitting fish. Lots of large un clipped coho mixed in with very nice sized marked fish and plenty of chinook to make it a blast. Had a blue shark take a cut plug herring on the surface when clipping it into the downrigger. It managed to get my leader wrapped around his body so I was able to play him for a bit. Got the blue shark next to the boat and cut my leader.

Second day headed back out offshore and as soon as we dropped in it was game on again. Lots of double headers made it a ton of fun. Lots of coho and chinook for day two. Day three was just more of the same but with more chinook and a few less coho around. Had a blue shark come up and bite the tail third of a coho clean off while it was being reeled in. Followed the partial fish back to the boat and then went for the downrigger ball. Pretty crazy experience. Lots of warmer water sealift out there such as giant sunfish and a few mackerel. Saw giant sun fish tight near the mouth of Esperanza.

Ended up with our limit of chinook in the mid teens to low thirties with a half dozen nice sized marked coho for 5 people. For what is suppose to be a slow coho year this is the best sized fish by far I have seen in six years fishing out of Tahsis.

Caught most of the fish 90 to 100 ft down on purple haze flashers with glow hootchies.

Unreal fishing right now if you can get offshore. Heard from other people it was slow inside both at Nootka and Esperana.
Really appreciate the angler reports!!!!!
Nice hearing true reports and not ******** lodge resort propaganda.
Going in a week hopefully it improves inside!!!

Agreed. Up at Moutcha Bay this coming weekend for a couple days of guided fishing...things are looking promising to fill the freezer for the winter.
Sometimes Lodge BS is the only BS you can get from remote spots like Nootka et al....Its all good information and I for one appreciate all I can get, even lodge BS. Pictures don't lie. You just need to sift thru the marketing material.
Just back from Nootka. Fished Sunday and Monday til noon. Sunday we started inside, lost 1 then landed and released a very scarred up Spring. Ran out towards Beano, nothing to speak of, although there seemed to be fish on the sounder. Ran out to the open area near the red can. Picked up four twenty pounders in short order. Had a double header at one point, lost one landed one. All on anchovy on the bottom. Had a giant sunfish follow us around for a while, heard some radio chatter about a shark. Between our third and fourth fish, I comment to my son to put me on a Halibut. We were trolling right on the bottom and the rod goes off, and off, and off. There was no stopping it. Line eventually broke. It certainly did not fight like a spring. Day 2 we started inside again, picked up a chrome 20 pounder again, lost one. Saw a few boats with action as the day before. We were away from the herd so action was reasonable. Decided to go outside the light. Fished the beach and Wash Rocks, again sounder seemed to show fish but no action, and radio chatter was equally dismal. Trolled all the way to Beano in the northwest wind. A couple of chewed anchovies, but nothing to speak of. Saw a shark go by though. Beat our way out to the Red Can, dropped to the bottom, bang another 20 pound Spring. It was just too snotty so we pulled gear and went home. The Springs off the reef were good sized but did not appear to be mature enough to be this years spawners. Certainly a lot of action, and word was they were feeding on needlefish on the bottom. Heading home just past Camel Rock saw another smaller Sunfish inside. So finished with 6 all around 20 pounds in two mornings fishing.
They finally arrived July 24 on the in coming tide. Below is Carol Campbell- she landed this 34lb Chinook. Her Husband Bob caught the small ones. LOL!! Several other fishers from the Marina Also scored on these chrome bright springs.

The catching lit up Sunday evening from the Nootka Light House to Camel Rk. Carol caught her Tyee at the log dump in Hanna Channel.
Yes they are late, but the Conuma Chinook Run Has Finally Arrived in NOOTKA!!!!!


The salmon have been in the mouth of Esperanza for over two wks. From outer Black Rk., Pin Rocks/Blind Reef in to Double Is. and Flower Rock. With these catches the Spring have move in to Rosa Harbour area.

Don Ross & his fishing partner caught this 30.25lb beauty Chinook at Rosa Harbour along with 3 other Springs Yesterday July 25.


Carol Campbell caught another Tyee 30.5lb on Monday July 25th at Coopte Pt.
