2013 Outlook Around the Island?.....


Well-Known Member
What's the general consensus this year for Chinook return/predictions around and about Van Isle?

Usually I read it in the free fish mags but haven't acquired any lately....

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Are those predictions ever that accurate? I guess somewhat... I've noticed lots of life while working on the water this winter. Seems like there's plenty of feed around. I hope it's a good season. :)
I keep very accurate records and I feel I was correct on the 2012 season when I felt it would be a hard go on the wcvi-due to a very poor 2008. My feeling this year is that it should be a good recovery year mirroring 2009-especially good off WH and hopefully a recovery after a terrible year in Nootka. Looking for that Yankee run off Bamfield in May and June-see no numbers from down south to say other wise. My 2 cents!!!
Hambone:- what area have you been working?

Been working from Vancouver right up to Rupert, but its ECVI that has been a pleasant surprise.... Lots of bait around it seems. I saw humpbacks in Jervis Inlet in November.... Lol. Dolphins/porpoises more often than I remember seeing in the past. Doesn't seem as dead as its been in recent years... :)
Chinook working group hasn't finished the forecast. There was some lost data. Loose rumblings I heard was similar to last year. Lots of feeders around which is positive.
Thanks GLG, I think there is yet another meeting to drill down to specific runs as further analysis was yet to be completed...or at least that's what I took from a conversation with one of the Area 23 SFAC Chairs who attended the outlook meeting. Talking chinook only.