2007 Suzuki 9.9 cooling question

Fish Wistler

Well-Known Member
Went out in during the cold snap we had. Noticed the indicator hole (pee hole) was barely dripping. I was only at idle trolling around for a few hours and no change.

Question, any chance the engine never warmed up enough to open the thermostat? Temp outside was probably -2 degrees. Ocean was 42 degrees.
Went out in during the cold snap we had. Noticed the indicator hole (pee hole) was barely dripping. I was only at idle trolling around for a few hours and no change.

Question, any chance the engine never warmed up enough to open the thermostat? Temp outside was probably -2 degrees. Ocean was 42 degrees.
Pee hole probably plugged. Push a red Wd40 straw up the hole. Probably salt crystals. Good luck.
No, the indicator should provide full flow a few seconds after startup. The indicator is to show you that the water pump is working and will have flow regardless of whether or not the t-stat is open or closed.

Either the hole is plugged or the impeller is toast.
If my indicator stream is faint/ plugged/ drippy whatever and I’m at home running the motors then I will give it a blast with the compressor. This usually unclogs them.
Hose was plugged. I removed it and blew air into the hose. Strong flow after that!
