140 Hali release Go Pro


Active Member
Hey folks,

Just got back from holidays, saw all the commotion about the double header go pro and thought I would get my Go pro vids up so people can enjoy and criticize as they please.

Before u do criticize please do so in a constructive way so we all can learn from it. I try my best to be a conservationist out there. unfortunately some rules that r in place make it a little diff to do so(ex. release large halibut without harm)

Id encourage everyone to keep footage of any large hali they release so it can be sent in to show how much harm is done to these fish. Ive always released large halibut after I determine if its an easy release or not.

Ive been on 5 trips this year and have 4 halibut over 100.....all with footage.

this one is 140lb. got two at 120 and a 250. Ill post as i get the videos uploaded.

I could have been a little quicker releasing this fish yes. I believe this Hali will be spawning this winter as I did a fairly good job getting it back. Ive also spent lots of time with halibut and know how tough they are. If they were a delicate fish, no I would have not lifted it out of the water to get a pic. I like pictures of my trophy fish, so if you don't like that part, skip over it!


thanks for sharing, first thing i do is unclip the flying ball of lead, thats a tip for safety!!... good job wooly!! so far i have released over 500 lbs of halibut... should extend our season by atleast three days!!LOL!! lets not forget that letting go a big one is done in good conscience but has nothing to do with conservation, that fish is a keeper to any fn or commercial longliner.....
Hold that thing up like a salmon ya wuss... Kidding

Other than the 140# of angry meat, the only thing that sticks out as being dangerous was the lead ball. I've never got one that big but from what I've experienced I'd say that's a pretty smooth release, cool video and thanks for sharing.
Man i use barbless hooks is that not a requirement? Oh wait i never jig for halibut, just catch them by catch bottom bouncing one side. But really what about barbless for halibut?
I will attest to getting any weighted jigs or lures out of the way...Stiil can feel the scar on the side if my head from a mudraker that got thrashed at me 5 years ago,,,back when I was a rookie Hali fisherman... Man did that hurt!! At least I still have a thick head of hair to cover the scar,,,even if it is mostly gray!!
Thanks again for the excellent video. You guys did a good job..
Man i use barbless hooks is that not a requirement? Oh wait i never jig for halibut, just catch them by catch bottom bouncing one side. But really what about barbless for halibut?

GRRRRRR.... dont you have enough regulations regulating the regulations. i catch fish to eat them.
Funny about the ball flying around. everytime I look at this video I wonder why the heck I didnt take the ball off. I usually get it off right away. been smacked a few times when i first started.