
  1. I

    16 Double Eagle 80’s stringer designs

    Hello Double Eagle Community! Has anyone come across a stringer/keel and floor layout like the one I have on this 16’ DE 1980? I’ve seen a few posts around with DE stringer restorations and they tend to have the two off-centre stringers intersected by bulkheads. My thought is that the off...
  2. J

    Musling Ardent Angler Rebuild

    Hey All, I wanted to start a thread documenting my rebuild of a Musling Ardent Angler. I came across this boat abandoned in the sticks, and was immediately taken by its unique and (what appears to be) functional design. Because i'm a real sucker for a project, i looked past all the money...
  3. YachtMech

    ZETA 24' Flybridge rebuild

    Well here I am, new to this forum, but not new to working on boats. I figured since I was overhauling our 24' zeta I may as well show the work being done for anyone who would consider doing this themselves. Quick Summary of what is below, We decided to go to a duoprop and a newer fuel Injected...
  4. EZZ70

    23' & 26' Hourston Project Commenced...

    Before I start this thread I would like to add a list of common acronyms and terminology for doing boat fibreglass work and repairs, you will see them used ocassionly throughout this build... Thank you Fibreglass Defined CSM =(also known as chopped strand mat and fiberglass mat) has short...
  5. EZZ70

    20' vs 23' Hourston - PLEASE HELP

    Hey peps, looking for a bit of advise here. First of all love the classic lines of the Hourston Sedan's. I have a line on a 20 and 23 foot sedan that both require full gut outs, no worries i'm more than capable! Not sure which to choose, the boat will only probably be used 3 weeks per year due...