DFO-2024 mgmt. measures to protect Southern Resident killer whales

Here's the closure notice

Southern Resident Killer Whales are in the southern Gulf Islands! DFO's Whales Tracking Network confirmed their presence on May 6, marking the first confirmed detection of Southern Residents since monitoring in the area began on May 1st.
This Southern Resident Killer Whale detection has triggered recreational and commercial salmon fisheries in the area to close.
Starting May 8, there is no recreational or commercial salmon fishing in Subarea 18-9 and portions of Subareas 18-2, 18-4 and 18-5 until November 30, 2024. Food, Social and Ceremonial harvest and domestic treaty fishing access is not prohibited.
Additional Fishing Measures
Fishery closures will be in place for commercial and recreational salmon:
- Around Swiftsure Bank (in portions of Subareas 20-1, 21-0, 121-1 and 121-2) from July 15 until October 31, 2024.
- In the Strait of Juan de Fuca (in portions of Subareas 20-4 and 20-5) from August 1 until October 31, 2024
- In a portion of the mouth of the Fraser River (in a portion of Subarea 29-3) from August 1 to September 30, 2024.
Fishers are encouraged to stop fishing (do not haul gear) within 1,000 metres of killer whales year-round, in all Canadian Pacific waters.
This is by far the stupidest thing to ever come out of dfo. A whale just swam through an area so close all the waters around for the next 6 months.
This is by far the stupidest thing to ever come out of dfo. A whale just swam through an area so close all the waters around for the next 6 months.

Its not stupidest thing that's ever come out of the liberal government though, This closure is from the PMO's office and choose from various options.
Last Thursday we were waiting on the wind to die off in the gulf. Farting around just at the entrance to active in the Trincomali channel. When 3 whale watch boats showed up just packed with people on-board. There were several very large herring clusters inside and outside of active pass. The very very special little SRKW showed up and just hung out feeding on herring. The whale boats were definetly closer then 400m. We kept our distance and just watch for a while. Watch them feed on 2 year old herring. We watched 6 or 7 ferries go through there without slowing down. The ferries were mainly watching out for the whales watch boats as they were clogging the entrance to active on the inside. Whales didn't seem to care either way. As the tide began to run out from trincomali into active and get sucked in the toilet bowl the herring moved with the tide and the whales followed them.
Can’t be true, whales only eat Chinook salmon in certain areas that’s why they have closures. 😂

If you report the whale watch boats they will get questioned by DFO. Pictures help Dfo.

keep asking till you get the response you want i guess

Interesting. This is a government response to the lawsuit possibly being dropped by the NGO groups is how I read it.

Background link:

*UPDATE: As of June 7, 2024, we have made a correction to footnote (2) on page (1) of the petition.

Federal promises made for endangered whales during Trans Mountain (TMX) approval are unfulfilled, groups say

VANCOUVER/UNCEDED xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (MUSQUEAM), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (SQUAMISH), AND səlilwətaɬ (TSLEIL-WAUTUTH) TERRITORIES: Six conservation groups are urging the federal government to implement an emergency order — a mechanism that allows Ottawa to intervene when there are imminent threats to species at risk — to protect endangered southern resident killer whales from threats to their survival and recovery.

Ecojustice, on behalf of their clients, sent a petition to the minister of fisheries and oceans and minister of environment and climate change, requesting they recommend Cabinet issue an emergency order under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) to protect the endangered population of only 74 whales.

The groups behind the petition are the David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Living Oceans Society, Natural Resources Defense Council, Raincoast Conservation Foundation, and World Wildlife Fund Canada.

The emergency measures proposed by the groups include:

  • Implement a series of measures to reduce noise and disturbance from vessels traveling in or near southern resident foraging areas. Key actions include expanding the current 200-meters vessel distance buffer to 1,000 metres to harmonize with Washington State legislation, requiring quiet vessel notations for tankers serving the TMX terminal, and developing, adopting, and implementing meaningful underwater noise reduction targets.

  • Implement prey management strategies to rebuild Chinook abundance including a transition from marine mixed stock fisheries to terminal riv ensure access to Chinook salmon. Key actions include establishing an emergency management plan for Chinook fisheries that contains minimum thresholds for Chinook abundance, limiting the total fishing-related mortality of at-risk early Fraser River Chinook salmon to less than five per cent, and establishing an emergency drought management plan.

  • Implement measures to increase wild Chinook salmon accessibility for southern residents, including extending the period of existing fishing closures in key foraging areas.

  • Prohibit further increases of shipping from new, federally-approved, industrial projects in the Salish Sea until a cumulative effects management plan that addresses underwater noise, as promised by the government when it approved TMX, is in place.

  • Prohibit discharge of scrubber wastewater, bilge and greywater from any vessel in or near the habitat of the southern residents.

The groups contend that the requested emergency measures are urgently required given that the conditions southern residents need to recover have not been attained, and time is running out.

The seasonal measures for southern residents announced by the government on Monday are largely a continuation of similar measures from previous years. These measures have not sufficiently reduced threats to a level conducive to recovery. In addition, the southern residents are now facing additional threats from Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) tanker traffic, and the measures needed to mitigate those new threats remain unfulfilled.

When the federal government approved the TMX in 2019, it promised to implement 16 recommendations from the Canada Energy Regulator to help address the additional vessel noise and oil spill risk posed by TMX. It previously committed to “more than mitigate” the impacts before shipping began. So far, the government has failed to do so, even as oil tankers began sailing in May.

An emergency order is the most urgent lever available to ensure that government acts quickly to address the pre-existing threats of underwater noise and disturbance to southern residents, which are now being exacerbated by the 7-fold increase in tanker traffic from TMX in their critical habitat.

The groups say that the federal government must recommend an emergency order to give the iconic species protection from imminent threats to their survival and create conditions for their recovery.

Margot Venton, Ecojustice nature program director said: “Emergency orders are an effective legal tool that the Canadian government can use to protect a species from imminent threats to its survival or recovery. Southern Resident killer whales are in crisis, and with oil tankers sailing in May, threats to their survival and recovery are only going to get worse. We need Minister Lebouthillier and Minister Guilbeault to recommend emergency order protections and give Southern Residents some sort of relief from the increased threats they face because of TMX.”

Jeffery Young, senior science and policy analyst for the David Suzuki Foundation, said: “It’s been six years since the federal government officially recognized that southern resident killer whales are under imminent threat of extinction. In that time, we failed to address the existing threats to their survival. Adding the noise, disturbance and potential spill risks from TMX puts their existence in even greater peril. Minister Lebouthillier and Minister Guilbeault must put in place an emergency order to address these threats and give these marine mammals a chance to survive.”

Misty MacDuffee, Wild Salmon Program Director, Raincoast Conservation Foundation, said: “When TMX was approved, the federal government made promises to Canadians that enhanced measures for endangered whales would be in place before oil shipments were operational. These promises have not been fulfilled. We are seeking an emergency order to implement the outstanding commitments made on Southern Resident killer whale recovery.”

Hussein Alidina, lead specialist marine conservation for WWF-Canada, said:
“Southern Resident Killer Whales are closer to extinction today than when they were listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) over 20 years ago. They are in dire need of a lifeline and substantially increased protection from the multiple threats they face. Despite ongoing efforts, underwater noise pollution has not been sufficiently reduced to enable their recovery and continues to reduce these whales’ ability to feed, sense their environment and communicate. It is the federal government’s responsibility under SARA to direct emergency measures to prevent further increases in shipping noise and legally mandate aggressive noise reduction targets in the critical habitat of southern residents. Implementation of emergency order protections that we have identified can provide conditions that southern residents desperately require to survive and recover before it’s too late.”

Michael Jasny, Marine Mammal Project Director for the Natural Resources Defense Council, said: “The Southern Residents are iconic and beloved—and they are running out of time. The whales have not rebounded, and all the tankers that will shortly be moving through their critical habitat will worsen conditions for their recovery. With this petition, we are asking the government to fulfill its promises for the whales, when it approved the Trans Mountain project five years ago.”

Russ Elliott, Campaigns Manager, Georgia Strait Alliance, said: “The Ministers can – and must – do more to protect these orcas that are so close to extinction, and yet are so intimately known to us. We know their names, their personalities, their families. Regulations must not stagnate while enormous new threats, like a dramatic increase in tanker traffic, pollute the orcas’ life source and push them further into oblivion. An emergency order would turn around the government’s current stance that ultimately supports a managed extinction plan for Southern Resident orcas and shift it towards a real plan for their survival.”

Karen Wristen, Executive Director, Living Oceans Society, said: “With TMX now in operation, underwater noise in the Salish Sea will increase dramatically with the addition of 30 oil tankers and their associated tugs and pilot vessels each month of the year. Noise levels were already interfering with the ability of SRKW to feed and raise their young before the pipeline project began; and there is no evidence that voluntary noise abatement measures have improved that situation. It is imperative that noise reduction targets are set, managed and monitored for effectiveness.”


uses the power of the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment. Its strategic, public interest lawsuits and advocacy lead to precedent-setting court decisions and law and policy that deliver lasting solutions to Canada’s most urgent environmental problems. As Canada’s largest environmental law charity, Ecojustice operates offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, and Halifax.
Can’t be true, whales only eat Chinook salmon in certain areas that’s why they have closures. 😂

If you report the whale watch boats they will get questioned by DFO. Pictures help Dfo.
Honestly I could give a **** about the whale boats and I'm no snitch. We keep to ourselves unless someone needs help.

Btw those little whales pounded herring and didn't care about the audience or the constant ferries running right over top of them. Pretty sure the whales liked it. It may have improved their fishing afternoon. It's not the first time we've seen this happen and definetly won't be the last.

If any person honestly believes that these whales eat one thing, should be taken out back and snuffed out. Least that way we can somewhat protect the gene pool from getting even more crowded with idiocracy
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