WTB 4-8hp outboard


I am looking for a late 90s and newer 4-8hp motor as a kicker/trolling motor for my boat, must be in great running shape willing to pay up to $800 for right motor.
Yea I have seen that, there is another one as well for sale a few pages down. A little bit out of my price range, I think a 6hp 4 stroke would be perfect, but I want it sooner rather then later. I have had the money put a side for a while now.
FYI and take note before you buy...... my 4 stroke merc is quite loud/noisy. When I inquired about this I was told the 6 hp and smaller kickers are not really any quieter than 2 stroke like you would expect. I was told 8hp 4 stroke or larger kickers are quieter. Not sure this is a fact but worth looking into.
I think when you go from 6hp to 8hp + you move from a single cylinder, to a 2 cylinder block, little quieter less vibration as well.