Why launch the boat, when you can launch the trailer!

Finished Business

Well-Known Member
Not sure what I think about this yet, but it gave me a chuckle...



or the pilot house version...

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I don't know how long the wheels would last in salt water. Might be ok in fresh water.
I dont get it... I have actually seen one in salt, near belcara, thought the guy forgot to unstrap his trailer at first...then I thought those wheels and bearings wont last long...not even galvinized rims...I just dont get it...
Orrrr............... heres a suggestion, You could have the wheels on a frame and separate from the boat so that the boat could have a smooth turbulence free hull design. You could put those wheels on a nice spring axle and then attach that axle to a frame and then it could be .......like....... a trailer.......
I've thought about a trailer design where the boat sits on a rolling cradle that extension out towards the rear so that you don!t have to submerge the wheels/brakes at all. Something like how they roll dumpsters off and on disposal trucks. Or how the pickup box roll out trays work.....same idea.