Where's Bags?Vinnie?

Just got back from sask hunting and &%*$ was it cold -29 with wind chill -45 too short of a trip 3 deer on one day and all big!!!!!!!!!! buddy got a non typical 8x7 very nice back to fishing soon.

Mad Dog
Codfish here, Are you going in the Boozers Derby. It's Dec.16 at Cheanuh. Call me my numbers in the book .
It's about time you did some fishing!!!!!!!![8D]

Cheers Codfish
Yes i Know Codfish, way overdue you could say.I have to do quite a few trips in the early new year but as for now Snow and 4 days of 0 power last week,[V] has not been helping with the time consuming, life sucking house finishing details much. There is still over 2 feet of snow. Scheduled to move in the derby weekend,[V] I'll Call ya later this week. Have fun the Man and with those twin 250s.[8D]