Post after post.....for every 5 fish caught, 3 or more got away. Over and over again.
Happens to me too. And I sharpen my hooks to the point of obsession. So what exactly are we/me /you doing wrong?
We fished last week and boated 12 in 2 days. Granted, smaller springs ~8 - 15#. We lost only one to a seal that took us for a good, 20 minute ride right to the beach.
My opinion only but this routine works for us on the big fish, too:
Yes - sharp hooks. And always be watching the rod for action.
2) good line and leader. Check your knots and line after every hook-up.
3) reel down and set hook hard on hook-up. Back off...
4) make sure the drag is backed off a bit. More near the boat, where the fish has the advantage.
5) I know, but I'll say it anyway - tip up. Let the rod do it's work. Use soft hands: no horsing.
6) helmsman works with you on keeping the fish on the quarter. Moves away from the beach and the rodeo.
7) get the other gear cleared away, downrigger clear on the agreed landing side (subject to change).
8) after the fish has done it's runs, keep it's head under water. Walk it back. Talk to the net-man.
9) net is ready, in the water, moving onto the slab's nose. Calm and fluid motion - do not stretch, stab, spear, splash or do other goofy she-at with that net.
10) When the fish is in, roll and lift in the water. Remove from the water with the net hoop to the deck.