What rod do you use for halibut/lings and why?

I use a Peetz 8 ft. one piece rod that I converted to eyes from the original rollers.They have a very consistant bend from reel to tip and enough backbone for large halibut.I pair it with an Alvey 725 one way drag reel because I hate the wobble of having reel top mounted,I sold my Shimano TLD's.You really don't need a fast retrieve (geared) reel for halibut.I fish anchored up,if you jig you need a totally different setup.
I like a knucklebuster as well spooled with braid. Unlike for Salmon, I rely on the reel's drag; so far my Shimano's have been fine but not all these type reels may have a stout drag. The low retrieve ratio is really nice. As for a rod, I like shorter than 7 ft especially if you jig. Now that I am 65, I put the rod in the holder to grunt the fish in. I'd say that when Rayvon says you need a different setup for jigging, he is talking about a shorter rod. If you are in your 20's-30's & in shape, the longer rod will be fine anytime.
6' trevalla xxh and calcutta 700b, 100# braid
100# braids prob a bit overkill but I like that it's a bit more abrasion resistant and easier on the hands. would prob spool up with 80# next time. short 60# mono leader (if fishing in rocky areas where there may be hangups) to spreader bar or jig.
If I had to buy another setup I'd prob purchase an avet JX reel... haven't tried one but have heard good things about them and a bit cheaper than the shimano I believe...
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Totally agree with the shorter rods. I used to own longer rods. Because that was mainly what was sold. I bought a couple of super cheap rods for my kids way back when my kids where young. My kids were always wrecking the tip top guides on my rods, so I bought them each a couple of short rods more matched to their size. I fell in love with those short rods and now I would never use a long rod again. I look for a rod closer to five feet than six whenever buying now. Not only are they far easier to jig, but they can be easily kept out of the way because of their length. As they are one pice rods they can not be broken down. I can store these short rods under my bow when not being used. Longer ones are always in the way on a smaller boat when Salmon fishing. There's not a lot of manufacturers making short rods, but keep your eyes open and you will find a small selection.

For a reel I don't go fancy. The old made in USA Penn 330 reels do the job nicely. I used to use 100lb test when my kids were young, as they were prone to bottom snags. Now I've switched most of my reels to 80lb spectra. 80 is still plenty strong as long as your not in a super snaggy area. 80 let's you fish a little longer when the current is stronger. If I'm working a real snaggy area, I'll use a rod with 100lb test to hopefully prevent break offs.
TLD 25's with aftermarket handles on Fenwick Canadian Methods 6'6" heavy action rods with 50 lb Powerpro. Reels could be 20's but the deal on mine was too good to pass up. Like TBG, I find shorter rods handier. I jig with 1 lb of weight.
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6 ft one piece Ugly Stik with Penn 330GT and 80 lb braid. Good jigging rod. Also works well for sturgeon fishing from boat.

Good comments re the energy required with the longer rods. I jigged up a 52 lb halibut at Winter Harbour this year on a 10'6 salmon rod, that was a lot of work. All the short rods were in holders and bouncing bottom, got bored and figured I'd do some jigging to pass the time. Be careful what you wish for! That rod tip was in the water for the entire duration of the fight and the head shaking was felt much more directly. Had to let it run a couple times as I was mindful the line was only 20 lb mono. Highlighted why we use completely different setups for salmon and hali.
Shimano Trevala, Penn 320GT, 100 pound Power pro.
Very light. I use them for all bottom fishing anchored or drifting.
Rapala RSC580SJH1 5'8ft rod, Penn Fathom reel with 80lb braid. Best setup I've ever tried. Have a Trevalla as well and love it but the Rapala is half the price and is very comparable. This setup is super light and great for jigging but has lots of backbone to haul in those big hali.