Weider Weight Bench with incline settings and lots of universal gym type attachments. Including leg curl and leg extensions, bicep curl arm rest attachment, tower and bars for lat pull downs and tricep pushdowns etc. Also has a very nice all chromed weight bar that has the threaded ends which are way nicer to use when changing weights. I will also throw in a spring pull weight training device and the Golds Gym weight training book. Everything has had very little use and is very close to new condition $135.00
Have a total of 230 lbs of steel weight plates. Checked at Sport Traders in Victoria on their price and it is $129. Per lb. So at their price it would be $296.70. plus tax. Will sell for well less than half price at $135.00.
If you want everything together I will discount to $235. Total.
Send me a Private message with your phone number. You will be putting the weights in your truck as I have a bad back.
Cash and Pick up in Victoria.
Have a total of 230 lbs of steel weight plates. Checked at Sport Traders in Victoria on their price and it is $129. Per lb. So at their price it would be $296.70. plus tax. Will sell for well less than half price at $135.00.
If you want everything together I will discount to $235. Total.
Send me a Private message with your phone number. You will be putting the weights in your truck as I have a bad back.
Cash and Pick up in Victoria.
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