Wanted: little sailboat


Active Member
Looking for a little sailboat to play around with in Sooke Harbour.

I don't want anything fancy (read: cheap!), preferably one of those little rowboats that can add a mast and sail. I'm no sailor, so hopefully want a set-up that is already complete, not looking for a project.

Know anyone that has one behind the shed they're not using, and might want to sell/loan/trade/rent out? My driveway isn't littered with enough toys... ;)
I've often thought of getting a Hoby Kat for the Samsun narrows or Bazan area. Those suckers rip in the right wind.

You can pick one up for a couple grand. Even a laser would be cool.
Hobie Cats rip for sure! Super fast and fun.

But for now, I'm just looking for a nice little cruiser for gentle summer toodling around.

The boat I'm looking for is the one that you bought with best intentions, used once or twice, and now is the not-so-beautiful lawn ornament that your spouse is nagging you to get rid of ...
quote:Originally posted by juandesooka

Hobie Cats rip for sure! Super fast and fun.

But for now, I'm just looking for a nice little cruiser for gentle summer toodling around.

The boat I'm looking for is the one that you bought with best intentions, used once or twice, and now is the not-so-beautiful lawn ornament that your spouse is nagging you to get rid of ...

How about free: http://victoria.en.craigslist.ca/boa/1876686564.html

No rigging included but you could set that up easy enough.

Thanks Highliner and to all who replied. I found myself a little sabot in Parksville, so good to go.

So many toys, so little time...