Wallas 22DT Heater

Have one installed in my boat and it does not perform as expected. Curious what others experience is with this unit - does it fully heat the cabin (22ft+) or are you left wanting more.

I have heat emanating from the vents (3) but it isn't a high volume flow.

I was told voltage should not affect efficiency - if it powers on it has enough.
I pulled the unit out and sent it to Tro Tac in Vic - they tested and said it is fine. I don't agree and am looking for opinions of others as it might be going back to Wallas this summer.

My bud had an issue . A boat dealer he bought His boat from installed then the whole unit wrong. I am not sure what model but you must tell them your setup. He had 2 ports but the unit was made for only 1 .
Yep I'm pretty sure that's the smallest unit and should have only one vent. My bud went through the same thing .
Thats the little guy. Checked em out at the boat show. Good for I'd say a small cuddy, but not a full cabin enclosure. The Wallas rep told me the 22 was essentially an underpowered unit for most applications. They do make awesome heaters that are whisper quiet. Made in Quebec I believe...just might need to upsize..

the 1300/1800 heaters are kerosene heaters.

22, 30, and 40 are the diesel models.
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I have the 85D have had some issues but getting better working good for now, And they are made in finland had the pleasure of taking the founder and maker of it out a few years back as I had one installed in my boat when i first got it. and he took many a pics to take back to finland really fun people and i love the stove especially early morning breaky made by paul....

how much?? :D