I stumbled onto this this Victoria couple's YouTube story of the restoration of a 78 foot yacht that they bought and brought down from Alaska just when the pandemic lockdowns were beginning.
They are calmer and more resiliant than most folks could ever hope to be in a situation like this.
You know when you are in so deep that your only option is to press onwards.
The videos are long and the series in not one you can binge on, but these folks are not the type that give up on stuff.
Website onboardtangaroa.com

They are calmer and more resiliant than most folks could ever hope to be in a situation like this.
You know when you are in so deep that your only option is to press onwards.
The videos are long and the series in not one you can binge on, but these folks are not the type that give up on stuff.
Exploring the World Onboard Tangaroa
Welcome aboard Tangaroa, where we're gearing up for the adventure of a lifetime! Join us as we cruise from BC to Alaska to Siberia and Japan exploring amazing places and history along the way. Check out our other Channel for the REFIT of Tangaroa...

Website onboardtangaroa.com