very cool fishing bonker



I've been fishing for years.I can be found fishing along the banks of the Chilliwack/Vedder River in British Columbia come Fall to Spring.5YRS. ago I came up with the idea that it would be cool to have a fishbonker that had a built in filet knife to help limit some of the extra junk in your tackle box or bag, so I designed one. I call it the Kombat Kombo and not only is it a bonker and filet knife together but it also floats (only when the knife and bonker are together) and has a built in sharpner and is dishwasher safe.It comes in only one color for now which is flourescent green so you can see it along the banks if lost or in the water.It is all 100% CANADIAN made and comes with a 5yr.warranty.My bonker has been featured in Bass Masters magazine, Outdoor Canada Magazine and won an award in Fish Alaska magazine for best new product.Online I have sold them in Canada,USA,even New Zealand. I even had one customer who said he used it even to skin a moose.I've had chances to sell them through big chain retail stores but they want to much of the profits and they price them to high for customer.I retail my bonker for under $20.00. if you are interested go to my web site even if you dont buy one send us a pic of one of your great catches with some info on your catch and you might win one. thank you tight lines.Mike
Man alive are those things the most useless POS ever invented!

Used to sell them-well actually couldn't give</u> the things away they are so obviously a piece of junk</u>.

Found that Vedder River denizens liked them since the could either bonk a boot Chum or stab another beek who was crowding their rock (which they brought from home to stand on).

Seriously-Run don't Walk away if you see these things for sale. [V]
